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HM Hospitals invests 600,000 euros in remodeling its centers

Juan Abarca Cidón, president of HM Hospitales.

HM Hospitals will invest more than 600.000 euros during 2022 in hospitals HM Saint Francis and HM Rule for the improvement of the facilities and the renovation of its technological endowment. This budget item is part of the continuous improvement policy that the group has implemented in the two centers of the capital of León since joining the company.

The medical director of HM Hospitales in León, Jesus Sazhighlights the need to maintain an ongoing investment “since it is the only way to continue offering a quality care activity, giving satisfactory answers to the needs of our patients and making state-of-the-art medical equipment available to our staff, thus managing to maintain our high quality standards and improve day by day”.

Thanks to the investment allocated to the improvement of the facilities, among other projects, the modernization of rooms in hospitalization floorsas well as the entire area of ​​the HM San Francisco Dental Unit.

On the other hand, in the section on technological arsenal highlights the acquisition of a surgery tower and new chairs for the Dental Unit, in addition to the renovation of various medical equipment of other specialties. Another area in which HM Hospitales will allocate its investment in León this year is technology, since for several years it has led an ambitious plan to digital transformation in all its hospitals. The main lines of action in this regard will materialize above all in the expansion of the digitization of healthcare processes and the installation of new digital shift management systems and activation of patients in both HM Regla and HM San Francisco.

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