A prototype for an HIV vaccine has reached stage three, the last phase of its trials, in which it is tested in humans.
This is happening for the first time in more than a decade. A past attempt to obtain an antidote culminated in 2009, when it was found to prevent only 30% of infections.
The substance, developed by Belgian pharmaceutical company Janssen, It will be tested in Mosaico, a clinical trial that will be carried out in hospitals and public clinics throughout Mexico.
This investigation It intends to recruit 3,800 volunteers, not only in the Aztec country, but worldwide. The other clinics selected for the test are distributed among Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Peru, Poland, Spain and the United States.
“The Mosaic study is an international study in which Janseen seeks to test the effectiveness of its vaccine in collaboration with the HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN),” Brenda Crabtree, infectologist and study sub-researcher, said at a press conference.
The prototype HIV vaccine uses the same mechanism that was used in some antidotes for coronavirus vaccines.
The trial period will be for two and a half years. This in order to determine if the vaccine is capable of protecting the population from the transmission of the virus that, if not treated, causes AIDS.
In its early stages it showed promise in HIV prevention, now the intensity of protection must be evaluated. In this sense, the results will not be known until 2023.
The testing process began on December 11, 2020, the day on which the Fundación Hupedes Clinical Research team applied a dose of the vaccine for the first time in Latin America.
Men between 18 and 60 years old are wanted who have sex with other men
In Spain, it was reported that the Fundació Lluita contra la Sida i les Malalties Infectious began recruiting participants for the clinical trial of the HIV vaccine.
For The study looks for men between 18 and 60 years old who have sexual relations with other men or with people who belong to the transsexual group.
Volunteers must not be HIV-positive or plan to take pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in the near future, and must be available to participate in the study for approximately 30 months.
The prototype HIV vaccine uses the same mechanism that was used in the antidote against the new coronavirus. That is, they use vectors with non-replicative viruses, which are introduced into the DNA and allow the body to create antibodies to protect itself when the real threat appears.
Ninan Varughese, director of the UNAIDS office in New York, expressed hope that the work to find a vaccine against the coronavirus could give a push to develop an immunization for HIV.
“We have been talking about an HIV vaccine for a long timeBut I hope that this new energy that has been put into finding a vaccine for covid accelerates some of this progress and that perhaps there are new lessons that can be applied, “he said.