Home » today » Health » HIV/AIDS in Tangsel in 2022 reaches 308 cases, municipal government prepares antiretrovirals

HIV/AIDS in Tangsel in 2022 reaches 308 cases, municipal government prepares antiretrovirals

TANGERANGNEWS.com-From January to November 2022, there were 266 cases of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) 42 cases, in South Tangerang (Tangsel) city.

From these data, if the total reaches 308 cases. It is known that from this number, this disease is most dominant in men between the ages of 25 and 49, with a percentage of 81%.

In response to this HIV/AIDS case, the South Tangerang city government continues to make efforts to disseminate information about HIV/AIDS as well as the dangers of drugs and add treatment facilities for this disease among students.

Tangsel Deputy Mayor Pilar Saga Ichsan said similar incidents had not only occurred in South Tangerang but also in other major cities.

“Tangsel is also a crossroads city, many people come in and out of Tangsel. I hope the health and education departments actively socialize in schools to avoid free sex and narcotics,” Saga said as quoted by tribunnews.com, Monday 12 December 2022 .

According to Saga, this increase in cases often occurs towards the end of the year in Indonesia.

In addition, his party also called for special antiretrovirals for this dangerous disease to be prepared and improved in Tangsel.

Starting with halodoc, while taking antiretroviral drugs, the doctor will monitor the number of viruses and CD4 cells to assess the patient’s response to treatment.

The public is also urged to continue to avoid free sex and drugs, and to ask for parents’ role in supervising their children.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, the Tangsel city government will also continue to carry out intense raids on suspicious places.

“Satpol PP has in fact conducted frequent raids. But in this case a common role is needed, the awareness of who is doing it is to stop it immediately, because this is dangerous and there is still no cure”, concluded Pilar.

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