KARIMUNTODAY.COM, RECOVERY – The Commission for the Management of HIV Aids and TB in Indragiri Hilir Regency (Inhil) provided information regarding the discovery of 374 HIV cases with this very dangerous disease, Monday (09/01).
In this case, the Chief Executive of the Indragiri Hilir Regency HIV Aids Handling Commission, H. Syamsuddin Uti through the Secretary for HIV Aids Handling H Umar Pulungan when interviewed by karimuntoday.com said that from the results of the data we found from 2010 to October in 2022, there were 374 cases, from an average age of 4 to 50 years and over.
“For the younger generation, I urge you to maintain your own health and stay away from promiscuous associations that are very dangerous,” he appealed.

Furthermore, if for example it is difficult to get infected with HIV and even menstruation it is difficult to recover, until now there has not been found an effective drug to treat it.
“Once again, especially for the productive ages of the younger generation, let’s work together with the community and the government to take care of themselves and protect their families so they can avoid this disease,” he explained.
He added, even in the Al-Quran it has also been stated that “Stay away from Zina” because in principle the act of adultery also results in the transmission of Aid or other diseases.
“We, from the AIDS prevention commission, continue to work together with the government and the community on how we can all live healthy, happy and prosperous,” he concluded. (Yopi)