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Hit by extreme weather, some areas in Saudi Arabia will freeze in December

Tutwuri.id – The extreme weather phenomenon that has hit the world in recent years has also affected the territory of Saudi Arabia where several regions will be affected by temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius.

This is what then affects some areas in Arabia to become cold and freeze in December.

Quoted from a statement by Hussein Al-Qahtani, spokesman for the Saudi Arabian National Meteorological Center on Al-Ekhbariya television station, said that the indications emerged from the results of monitoring.

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Furthermore, his party even mentioned that this extreme weather had an impact on the coldest season that would hit Saudi Arabia.

In his explanation, Al-Qahtani also said that in the peak of winter the temperature is predicted to be below 0 degrees Celsius (below freezing point).

This is in contrast to last summer where the Arab meteorological center recorded the highest temperature in its region at that time reaching 53 degrees Celsius in several regions.

From this data, his party concludes that in winter this year, it is estimated that the temperature will also experience a significant decrease.

It was reported that last January, cold weather conditions had hit the Asir Silayah province of Arabia where the temperature was recorded at -2 degrees Celsius, causing snow to fall.

From this incident, some desert areas even changed from arid places to white snow fields.

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In addition to the Arab region, at the beginning of this month Oman was hit by a thunderstorm due to Tropical Cyclone Shaheen which caused heavy rains in several regions.

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