KOMPAS.com – Christians or Catholics usually celebrate holidays Easter or the resurrection of Jesus Christ every April.
Easter is not only celebrated by worship, but also by various traditions. Every country has different traditions. But there is one thing that is in common: Easter eggs.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is synonymous with eggs. Not only for eating, but also decorated with colorful paints. Eggs are also commonly served in chocolate form.
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Actually, is there any meaning in the existence of an egg on Easter, and how did it become an icon on that big day?
As reported from Coles.com.au, the tradition of eating and decorating boiled eggs on Easter dates back hundreds of years. Historians believe the tradition started in Middle Eastern states.
This is evidenced by the discovery of decorated ostrich eggs that were 60,000 years ago in Africa. Later, the tradition spread to Eastern Europe, and was adopted by the Orthodox Church.
Also read: The reason Easter is synonymous with eggs, chocolates and rabbits
In the 1870s, people in Europe started the tradition of decorating chocolate in the shape of a chicken egg. Then in the 19th century Easter egg-shaped chocolate began to appear in France and Germany, but it was both bitter and hard.
In England, which was then still led by Queen Victoria, the community renewed Easter egg chocolates in the form of toy eggs covered in satin and filled with Easter gifts.
Meanwhile, people in ancient times considered eggs as a symbol of rebirth and ate them to celebrate the arrival of spring which believed that the sun god had returned after winter.
As for the ancient Christians, painted chicken eggs were not just decorative, but also full of symbolism.
For example, the red dye represents Christ’s blood and the eggshells represent his tomb. Breaking the shell makes Christians remember Christ’s resurrection from the dead.
In fact, the tradition of rolling Easter eggs that children still practice today symbolizes the rolling of the stone outside Christ’s tomb in Jerusalem.
For example, like in the United States, “The Easter Egg Roll“, one of the most frequent annual community events on the lawn of the White House, every first Monday after Easter.
Also read: Good Friday and Holy Week, this is the series of Easter celebrations for Christians and Catholics
Another reason why eggs are associated with Easter is because for hundreds of years Christians were forbidden from eating all kinds of animal products, including chicken eggs during Lent.
Lent is a period of 40 days people must observe fast to reflect on their lives before Easter. Then at Easter, they eat eggs as a form of celebration to mark the end of Lent.
In Christian tradition, Easter eggs are usually painted or colored and then served to children as a special treat at the end of Holy Week.
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