The very first Leucan Shaved Head Challenge was organized in 2001 by Mr. Serge Tremblay, a Leucan volunteer. Deeply touched by the magnitude of the challenge that children with cancer face when facing the disease, Mr. Tremblay brought together 65 people and an amount of $ 10,500 was raised.

More than 20 years later, the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge is undoubtedly the most important event of its kind in the province, both for the number of participants and donations collected, and for the number of shaving sites in simultaneous. Since the first edition of the Challenge in 2001, more than $ 63 million have been raised by nearly 100,000 participants.

The money raised as part of the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge enabled Leucan to improve the services offered to families:

  • The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge made it possible to harmonize and deploy all Leucan services throughout Quebec.
  • The Challenge also enabled Leucan to better structure the teams in the regions. Today, all regional offices have at least one Family Services Officer on hand to support families at all stages of the illness.
  • Since 2008, Leucan has offered financial support to families, regardless of their income, in addition to providing financial assistance to survivors struggling with serious after-effects caused by treatment. This modification to the service Financial aid was made possible thanks to the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge.

History of the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge


First Leucan Shaved Head Challenge, organized by Mr. Serge Tremblay, Leucan volunteer. Aimed primarily at the population of Granby and its surroundings, the Challenge brought together 65 participants and $ 10,500 was raised.


The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge extends to the Laurentians and Montérégie regions. Éric Lucas becomes the spokesperson for the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge.


The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge is still growing, with five new regions organizing it: Abitibi, Quebec (in Beauce), Estrie, Mauricie and Outaouais. First provincial edition of the Challenge. Jean-Michel Anctil becomes spokesperson for the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge.


Saguenay and Lanaudière organize their first Leucan Shaved Head Challenge Sylvain Larocque becomes spokesperson for the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge.


Montreal and Quebec City are organizing their first Leucan Shaved Head Challenge. The number of participants tripled (5,100 people) and the results doubled ($ 2,500,000) compared to last year. The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge becomes a registered trademark of Leucan inc. Antoine Bertrand becomes the spokesperson for the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge.


Jean-Marc Parent becomes the spokesperson for the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge.


Jean-Marc Parent and Michèle Barbara Pelletier are spokespersons for the 5th provincial edition of the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge. The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge wins the philanthropic initiative prize at the Colloquium of Professionals in Philanthropic Management.


The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge has passed the milestone of 30,000 shaved heads since the first edition.


The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge celebrates its 10th anniversary. Annie Villeneuve becomes spokesperson for the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge has passed the milestone of 40,000 shaved heads since the first edition.


The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge has passed the milestone of 50,000 shaved heads since the first edition. Dominic Paquet becomes spokesperson for the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge


Proxim becomes the presenter of the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge has passed the milestone of 75,000 shaved heads since the first edition.


The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge celebrates its 20th anniversary. Almost 100,000 people have taken part in the Challenge in 20 years and over $ 63 million has been raised. To celebrate the 20 years of the Challenge and the participants who make this remarkable gesture, Leucan organized, on May 31, the largest virtual gathering of shaved heads. The event started in the morning with the shaves of more than 350 people via the Zoom platform. Led by the Leucan team, the participants were matched with people from all over Quebec. Marie-Mai, godmother of Leucan and Dominic Paquet, spokesperson for the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge, took part in virtual events to encourage participants and thank them for their gesture.