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In the defense test against planets hitting the Earth in 2022 with the DART (DART Redirection Double Asteroid Test-DART) mission of NASA, the United States was an experiment with a pair of near-Earth asteroids. It consists of the asteroid Didymos and its satellite, the asteroid Dimorphos The DART is intended to crash into Dimorphos to derail its orbit. But this pair of asteroids is not dangerous to Earth. But it’s just a testing ground.

After Operation Dart The asteroid Dimorphos has had an orbital deviation. Continuing research information is coming out recently, images of Didimos captured by the spacecraft have been released in high resolution. It captures pictures in a short time. before the Dart fell to Dimorphos. Analysis of the cracks and surface density on Didimos This shows that the asteroid was formed about 12.5 million years ago Formed about 300,000 years ago, Didimos may have formed in a main asteroid belt of our solar system. That is the area between Mars and Jupiter. It was then pushed into the inner solar system.

Astronomers from the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) in Italy said that their study of the larger rocks on Didimos and Dimorphos revealed that information about the origin of the two asteroids, showing that both are clusters of rocky debris formed as a result of the violent destruction of the parent asteroid Didimos is said to be about 780 meters in diameter and is a pile of debris made up of rock fragments held together by gravity.