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History of Hajar Aswad, a Stone Glorified by God and Called to Come from Heaven


Hajar Aswad is a black stone located in one corner of the Kaaba. In a history, this stone is said to have come from heaven given to Ismail AS through the intermediary of Jibril.

The opinion about the Black Stone coming from this heaven is also narrated by Ibn Katsir in Qishash al-Anbiya (Acts of the Prophets). This stone was obtained when Prophet Ibrahim AS and his son Ismail AS built the Kaaba.

The Origin of Hajar Aswad

It is said that at that time Prophet Ibrahim AS found an empty space when the construction of the Kaaba was almost complete. He then asked Ismail AS to find stones to cover the empty space.

On his way to find the stone his father asked for, Ismail AS met Jibril. He (Jibril) gave a black stone (Hajar Aswad) the best. The stone comes from India, a place that is said to be the location of the descent of the Prophet Adam AS from heaven.

Initially the stone brought by Prophet Adam AS was white (when it came down in India). Then, its color turned jet black due to the sins of mankind. This is explained in the history of At Tirmidhi.

“A black stone descends from heaven and it is whiter than milk, but the sins of the children of Adam turned it black,” (HR Tirmidhi).

Ismail AS also accepted the Black Stone with pleasure and returned to meet his father. Arriving at the construction site of the Kaaba, Ismail AS saw a boulder that was already in the corner of the foundation pillar.

He then asked, “O father, who brought the stone to you?” Ibrahim AS also replied, “The stone was brought by an angel who is more agile than you.” After that, the two built the House to completion.

The construction of this Kaaba is also mentioned in His words surah Al Baqarah verse 127.

And as Abraham raises the foundations from the house, and hearken to me, our Lord, accept from us, for you are the name of God. 12

“(Remember) when Ibrahim raised the foundation of the House with Ishmael (while praying),” O our Lord, accept (charity) from us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Hearer, the Knower.

Put Hajar Aswad

Muslim H. Nasution in his book Historical Sites Around Mecca-Medina explained, the Kaaba consists of four corners or pillars. Among them are the pillars of al-Aswad, namely the corner that lies on the Hajar Aswad and beside it the door of the Kaaba.

Then, the pillar of Shami is the corner facing the country of Syria or Syria, the pillar of Iraqi is the corner facing Iraq, and the pillar of Yamani is the corner facing Yemen.

The Black Stone is attached to the pillars of Yamani. This stone is reddish black with a surface area of ​​​​about 30 cm². The stone is encircled with a white silver frame.

According to the book Mecca: The Holy City, Power, and Example of Abraham By Zuhairi Misrawi, Abdullah bin Zubair was the first leader to wrap the Black Stone in silver. Then, in 1442 H, the silver wrapping was renewed by the King of Saudi Arabia, who was none other than the supreme leader of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque.

The meaning of Hajar Aswad for Hajj and Umrah

Still in the same book, Zuhairi Misrawi said that the Black Stone has an important meaning for the pilgrimage and Umrah. This stone that is glorified by Allah SWT is used as the starting and ending place for the implementation of Tawaf.

This thing also becomes so special. Because, the Prophet Muhammad SAW once kissed him and was followed by his companions, especially Umar bin Khattab. As mentioned in a narration of Imam Muslim.

I will kiss you, and I know that you are a stone and that you do no harm or benefit. Had it not been for the fact that I saw God’s Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, say,

Meaning: “Indeed I kiss you and I know that you are a stone that can neither harm (danger), nor can bring benefit. If it were not for I saw the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam kissing you, then I would not kiss you.”

Furthermore, Zuhairi Misrawi explained, Hajar Aswad is not just any stone. It has an incredible history. Therefore, pilgrims for Hajj and Umrah usually flock to kiss Hajar Aswad.

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