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History: Direct flights from Israel to Vietnam

A direct flight line from Israel to Vietnam is about to be inaugurated this October. This was announced by Economy Minister Nir Barkat in Vietnam. This is another significant achievement of Minister Barkat and of the entire Israeli government.

The Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam, Lu Quang Tran, (second from the right) during his visit to Israel about a month ago.

On his right, the Vietnamese ambassador Lee Dich Trong, and on the left, the survivor Ofir Akunis, Morris Raina, and Gadi Ariely

About a month ago, Minister Barkat signed a free trade agreement between Israel and Vietnam with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam, Lu Quang Tran, and his Vietnamese counterpart. These days, Minister Barkat is in Vietnam with an economic delegation for discussions on the actual logistical operation of a trade agreement. In the discussions, it was decided to activate the E-visa project in Vietnam, which will also allow Israeli citizens to issue a fast and cheap electronic visa to the country without the need to go to the embassy and pay an amount of 35 dollars. The cancellation of the paper visa came into effect today

Cargo flights have already started flying regularly between Vietnam and Israel, and today it was decided to also operate passenger flights starting in October. The flights are operated by the Vietnamese airline Vietjet Air, which has a fleet of 78 Airbus A320 and A321 aircraft. In 2019, it flew more than one hundred million passengers.

Economy Minister Nir Barkat: “This morning we are announcing an important historical achievement, during my visit to Vietnam I agreed with the Vietnamese government to open a direct flight line from Tajikistan to Hanoi, for the first time in history. In addition, we agreed on the cancellation of the need for a visa at the embassy before flying to Vietnam and in its place a simplified electoral visa for Israeli citizens, a move that came into effect as of today. These are extremely significant achievements that will make it possible to increase trade and doing business between the countries. Vietnam is our gateway to Asia and is becoming a key and growing country. Tightening and strengthening our relations is important to Israel and Vietnam and I congratulate the Vietnamese government for their warm hospitality and willingness to strengthen the relationship between our peoples. I thank Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the assistance, backing and guidance that enabled us to achieve these significant achievements.’

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