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Historical Objects Damaged in Brawl at Student Park Museum in Yogyakarta


A number of objects in Student Park Museum Dewantara Kirti Griya, Jalan Taman Siswa (Tamsis), Yogyakarta City, was damaged due to the brawl that occurred last night. Among them are relic chairs and tables Ki Hajar Dewantara.

Reported detikJateng, Monday (5/6/2023), monitoring at the location showed that several pots in the museum were damaged and messy. Apart from that, the sink, chairs, and the back door of the museum were broken. In addition, several footprints adorned the table in the museum and one chair was damaged.

The head of the Dewantara Student Park Museum, Kirti Griya Ki Muryanto, said that several historical objects in the museum were damaged. Apart from that, potted plants up to the back door of the museum were broken.

“For historical objects, there are tables and chairs, facilities such as plant pots and a broken door. What was damaged was Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s table (guest table) which is very historical, has value, then one chair was thrown, one door was broken because it was an escape,” said Ki Muryanto to detikJateng Today.

Muryanto strongly condemned the incident. He hopes the authorities can solve the case thoroughly.

“Obviously, we at the museum strongly condemn it because the cultural heritage that should be protected has been trampled on. Because of that, the museum is temporarily closed because there is still coordination with the police as well,” he said.

Read more here.


2023-06-05 05:41:48

#Fighting #Tamsis #Yogya #Damaged #Chairs #Tables #left #Hadjar #Dewantara

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