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Historical and political education – current challenges and perspectives | H-Soz cult. Communication and specialist information for the historical sciences | History on the net

Historical-political education takes place in many places and in different contexts, in school as well as in extracurricular fields, formally and informally, in analog and digital spaces and with diverse target groups of all ages. Aims include imparting knowledge and promoting a reflected “historical awareness”, promoting judgment and the ability to act, promoting the maturity of the participants and at the same time strengthening our democratic culture.

Although historical and political education are often thought and implemented jointly in practice, the scientific discourses in political and historical didactics are often detached from one another and with few reciprocal references. Questions arise about the connecting lines as well as about goals, principles and approaches as well as how to deal with value references in both domains. A look at the variety of educational offers by independent organizations and associations also indicates the great potential of a joint exchange. Our science-practice dialogue would like to offer a platform for the exchange of the different actors in the field in order to come to an understanding on fundamental and current questions of historical-political educational work.

In our series of events under the title “Historical-Political Education – Current Challenges and Perspectives” we would like to deal with conceptual questions of historical-political education on the one hand and on the other hand to turn to various practical projects and research reports on historical and political education in school and outside of school in German-speaking countries, to discuss experiences and challenges, needs and best practice approaches together. The events are intended to create a space for the productive exchange of teachers, extracurricular educators and experts from science, politics and civil society.

More information and registration at: www.uni-goettingen.de/hist-pol-bildung

Participation is free of charge – we look forward to seeing you!

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