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Historic icebreaker on Potsdamer Havel wrecked – fire brigade set up oil barrier

After the accident of an over 100 year old icebreaker in Potsdam, the emergency services tried on Friday to pump oil contaminated water out of the ship. A fire department spokesman told the rbb that there was a vehicle to suck up the contaminated water.

The fire brigade set up an oil barrier, as the city of Potsdam announced. In addition, divers tried to seal the water inlets in the hull of the ship. This became necessary because the ship operator’s measures were not completely successful.

The privately operated ship, built in 1904, flooded with water on Thursday on the Havel near the Hans-Otto-Theater and initially threatened to sink. According to the city, he was under water up to the upper deck edge. After the crew had moored their ship at the Hans-Otto-Theater, the fire brigade, the waterways office and the waterway police secured the boat and began to empty it. Nobody was injured.

Fire brigade chief Henning Hagen suspects that there was frost damage to a pump system and also a defective seawater valve, which meant that water initially ran into the engine room. But after the ship had sunk a little and tilted, water had also run into the ship through the portholes.

Broadcast: Antenne Brandenburg, February 19, 2021, 5:30 p.m.

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