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“Historic Agreement” between Israel and the United Arab Emirates: Normalizes Relations and Stops Annexation of the West Bank

The President of the USA, Donald Trump, announced this Thursday that Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) agreed to establish diplomatic ties, as part of a comprehensive agreement whereby the Israeli authorities will paralyze the annexation of the occupied Palestinian territory.

“HUGE achievement today! Historic Peace Agreement between two of our great friends, Israel and the United Arab Emirates!”, tuiteó Trump.

In another message on Twitter, the US president published a joint statement between the US, the UAE and Israel.

“President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu of Israel and the sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates, spoke today and agreed to the complete normalization of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates“, says the text.

The note adds that, as a result of the diplomatic achievement and at Trump’s request, with the support of the UAE, “Israel will suspend declaring sovereignty over areas highlighted in the president’s Vision for Peace and will focus its efforts now on expanding ties with other countries in the Arab and Islamic world. “

The so-called Vision of Peace is the plan presented by the Trump Administration, prepared by his son-in-law and advisor, Jared Kushner, which gives the green light to Israel to annex parts of the West Bank.

In that sense, the statement recalls the presence of the Emirati ambassador at the White House last January during the presentation of that proposal.

The note also advances that Delegations from Israel and the UAE will meet in the coming weeks to sign bilateral agreements in investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications, technology, energy, health care, culture and the environment.

Within those pacts it stands out “the establishment of reciprocal embassies”.

Likewise, the UAE and Israel “will immediately expand and accelerate cooperation regarding the treatment and development of a coronavirus vaccine. Working together, these efforts will help save Muslim, Jewish and Christian lives in the region, “the text states.

Asked about the conversation with Netanyahu and Bin Zeyed, Trump responded to reporters in the Oval Office: “It was like love.”

And he affirmed that the situation was tense when he arrived at the White House in 2017, but that now it is less so. “I have kept (the US) out of the war,” Trump said.

The statement highlights that the normalization of relations and peaceful diplomacy “It will bring together two of the most reliable and capable regional partners.”

“Israel and the United Arab Emirates will join the United States in launching the Strategic Agenda for the Middle East to expand diplomatic, trade and security cooperation,” the note said.

Netanyahu: Suspension of annexation is temporary

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, assured today that the annexation of part of the occupied West Bank “is on the table”, although the agreement to normalize diplomatic relations with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) includes suspending it.

“The application of sovereignty over Judea and Samaria (biblical name for the West Bank) is on the table”, Netanyahu said today and clarified that it is a “temporary” decision but one that is “not overruled”, in a live appearance on television.

Previously, the Israeli government expressed its satisfaction with the agreement to normalize diplomatic relations with the UAE and hope that it will open the way for other Arab countries in the region.

The UAE is the third country to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, after Egypt signed a peace agreement with its neighbor in 1979 and Jordan did the same in 1994, which opened the door to the normalization of relations after the Arab wars. Israelis from 1967 and 1973.

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