[música][música]vilma: a client whojuice shop salespersonand the organization, wineriesunited of america asks notBail is read for the suspectbecause the attack was recordedin security cameras, howapply the bail law let’s gowith white rose vilches forexplain to us, go ahead.white: sad news inNew York City,unfortunately tooIt happens once again with aHispanic worker, it’s aboutluis morocho, originEcuadorian, was beatenbrutal way whileworked in a winery, we>> brother recoversslowly, has wounds onhead and neck.white rose: right nowhow are you?>> it’s a little swollen,then the surgery will be fornext week.white rose: one of the woundsor of the nine wounds that hehas received is because one ofthe clients enter, theyin charge of preparing the gamesin this cellar, she enters,he asks for a juice and tells him thathe only has $4 of the $12what does the game cost, aftershe threatens to come back andkill him, the police come,takes an oath, but shewithdraw and return beforeclose the warehouse and sostart attacking.>> right, that was the samewhat happened, it’s unfortunate, thisthe family affected us a lot,him more than us, butas a brother it affects me a lot,Mentally and psychologically, II feel so bad too.white rose: what does thefamily?>> justice, it is requested that theperson who made that attack andwho mercilessly stabbed himpay, pay andjustice takes care of thatshe pays her damages.white rose: thank you very much fortalk to us a lotGood luck to his brother Luis, inthe dark familyis a family that also hasvery humble origin, needspay everything that is going tosignify these operations andthis treatment that followsin this hospital in manhattan,they open a page so thatbe the case that people