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Hispanic is shot by New York police after incident of domestic violence | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

wounded. the investigationcontinue.Esperanza Ceballos greets you,thanks for joining us.jonathan has the nightfree. a Hispanic turned outshot by the policetomorrow in history, queensafter an incident of violencedoéstica.alexander contendslast and talk to ahe plundered, he tells herprotocol followed bylaw enforcement officers and whatleads to open fire againstof a person.Alejandro: in front of ourson shot his fatherthis woman claimed in thisthe police confirmed thatopened fire on aHispanic, after an incident ofdomestic violence.images show the areayears, had confrontedarmed four officers whothey arrived at one of theirapartments, while holdingto her mother-in-law.the woman had called theauthorities, because the father ofhis son allegedly refusedto leave the apartment. I takedie and had this machete inhands.>> this person calls thepolice and take advantage of thatopportunity to causethe officers shoot him.It’s a way of what I knowcalled suicide by cops.fili this sergeant says thatin such situations,officers are left without manyoptions. . either>> a person within 20 feet with aknife is more dangerous thana person with a gun.filippo: the woman herself calledasking for help and claimsThe authorities.>> both situationsjurisdiction, there are two.number 1 is to stop avehicle.number 2 are these callsof domestic violence.filippo: in the big apple,agents are trained toknow when to use lethal forceand to respond to cases ofdomestic violence preparebefore arriving.>> it is important to be informed andask the central office if there is aprior and contact historywith the police all thatinformation helps the policeto arrive with a certain mentality.filippo: how suspicious alreadyincidents of violencedomestica, had three arrestsfor resisting arrest.had even attacked a yeartie up a cop>> they even used this andthe teaser, then sold thedeadly force.filippo: but it was not effective andthey shot him about threethe groin.was expected and is expectedrecover.the>> there was justified use offorce, according to protocolbecause it was a weaponshort stabbing.filippo: feel free to callthe authorities in case of thishelp for being ichthytell the number thatappears on the screen with

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