Home » today » Business » Hiscox Influencers, the first insurance for influencers in the Spanish market – Newspaper Advertising

Hiscox Influencers, the first insurance for influencers in the Spanish market – Newspaper Advertising

Los influencers they are one of the most important novelties brought about by the popularization of social networks, which already have 37 million active users in Spain, and according to 2btube There are already more than 7,500 professional influencers and content creators in Spain. Every year their collaboration with companies increases, which include them in their communication campaigns, which also increases their responsibilities and the associated risks, and their profiles, very personal and public, have enormous exposure and, therefore, are susceptible to be cyberattacked. Thus, Hiscoxan insurance company that offers innovative and specialized products for businesses and professionals, has developed Hiscox Influencersa new insurance for these professionals.

The idea for this policy arose within Hiscox Lab, the company’s insurance innovation laboratory from which market trends are investigated and in which the possibility of targeting emerging professions was raised. The objective of the insurance is to help influencers and public figures to cover their changing risk exposure and have advice on possible technical and professional problems that may arise in the performance of their work activity. It is a double protection that combines Hiscox’s more than 15 years of experience insuring cyber risks with the experience of Professional Civil Liability products for communication, advertising and marketing professionals.

This insurance is intended for those influencers with a maximum of 500,000 followers in each of the social networks in which they have a presence. These are people with a critical mass of followers and who give their opinion special weight, who are capable of monetizing their channels on YouTube or Twitch or their social network profiles and who sign agreements with specific brands to promote their products or services.

Some of the coverages covered by this insurance from the point of view of Civil Liability are those related to involuntary breach of contract due to the absence of publications or that these do not occur in the agreed terms, infringements of intellectual property, such as copyright ; possible defamation derived from the content published on social networks and possible violations of confidentiality agreements, such as breach of embargoes.

On the other hand, the digital security of the influencers is contemplated in the cyber aspect of this insurance. Cybersecurity is one of the fastest growing threats and not only affects companies, but also has the potential to affect influencers and compromise their job performance. Unauthorized access to your social networks that interferes with the publication of your accounts, theft of personal data, damaged or disabled equipment due to a cyber attack, identity theft… are the most important incidents that are covered by this insurance.

It is Influencers insurance also offers advisory services to accompany and guide the influencer in case of demand by a third party. Expenses for legal representation, legal advice and even public relations advice in the event of a reputational crisis, becoming an attractive service, since it does not only cover the economic consequences, but would address the claims in an integral way, seeking the early recovery of the influencer and that their activity is affected as little as possible.

At Hiscox we are always looking for ways to adapt to new markets and the new reality. The figure of influencers and content creators is growing and gaining importance and, with it, their responsibilities are also growing. Through Hiscox Lab, our innovation laboratory, we have developed a new product especially focused on this professional profile, which is a guarantee both in their relationship with companies and in the possible cyberattacks that they may suffer in their personal accounts.”, he comments Nerea de la Fuente, Director of Underwriting at Hiscox Spain.

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