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His wish is to survive | The newspaper

Luis Carlos Cano
The Juarez Journal

Friday, December 11, 2020 | 14:55

Breast cancer has her on the brink of the grave if she does not receive adequate treatment in time, a situation that does not discourage Elizabeth Quiñónez, who although she is aware of the risk she runs, assures that the only alternative she has to survive the tumor that day every day he ends his life, it is the help of the community.

Elizabeth was abandoned by her daughters long ago and she was left alone and without a steady job; He decided to sell candy and soft drinks on a cruise ship where traffic was constant and he was getting an amount that allowed him to support himself with the basics.

However, it was also affected by the works of the confined lane for the EcoBús by Paseo Triunfo de la República, because when closing the crossing of that street with Francisco Márquez, where she is selling, the vehicular movement was suspended and her sales they were practically zero.

“Now I sell little, sodas and chips to those who walk around the construction site, but not many cars pass by as before the cruise was open, and now only a few motorists buy me something,” he says.

This woman has been afflicted by health problems since she was younger, because at 37 years of age her womb was removed when a cancerous tumor was detected and although fortunately she no longer had problems, she stopped going to medical check-ups and now, to at 55, the tumor was detected in his left breast.

Elizabeth explains that a long time ago her left breast began to grow a lot, the pains were more and more intense; A person who is his client helped him to do studies in the establishment called Radiology, Interventionism and Advanced Diagnosis in Breast Cancer (Ridacam).

The results were given to him this week and they indicate that he has a 95 percent risk for the tumor affecting his chest.

“It hurts a lot, I feel like everything burns inside me, like something is burning me from my breast to my armpit, and I have to put up with it because I don’t have pain pills,” says Elizabeth with a broken voice, pointing to the left side of his chest.

“I want to get to my birthday on February 28, but it is very sad to know that to heal you they have to cut your chest, I don’t know what to do, my poverty does not let me move forward, but I am going to want to because they told me that with I can live with the treatment, ”he says.

But despite the enthusiasm she shows at times, at others she is distressed and says that she has not lost faith that someone is going to help her receive the treatment, have a biopsy done and everything she needs to get her. remove the tumor.

The alternative that she sees is that the Juarense community help her to collect the 6,200 pesos she needs to start treatment, since later she will have to continue with other medications and it will also be necessary to receive help, since she does not have, nor can she collect that amount of money.

“Hopefully there is someone who has mercy on me and helps me to give me the treatment I need; I have faith that the people from Juarez will help me, but in the meantime, I am looking forward to selling sweets, sodas, chips and whatever you can, ”says this woman, in which she accommodates the few products she has for sale on boxes that are in the planter of the cruise where daily offers them for sale.

Elizabeth lives in the house of an aunt, located on the corner of Joaquín Terrazas and Aluminio streets in the Del Carmen neighborhood, in the western sector of the city, but if someone wants to help her, they can find her on this cruise of Paseo Triunfo de la República and Francisco Márquez.

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