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his unexpected response from Rojuu in ‘The Resistance’ to the question about sex

In The resistance No one is immune from the most challenging classic questions on television. But many times the guests’ responses leave the audience with their mouths open, but on very few occasions it has been the presenter who has been most surprised. And Rojuu, last night’s guest on the Movistar Plus+ program, was the protagonist of a somewhat awkward moment on set when answering one of the questions.

And as usual, David Broncano asked the singer the typical question of how many sexual relations he had had in the last month, to which he jokingly responded: “Funny, because the month ended yesterday.”. However, the presenter clarified that it was the last 30 days. «One, I think. With my ex”, confessed the artist. The presenter was surprised but did not hesitate to try to get him to tell him a little more about that anecdote: “But during the relationship itself or typical reunion?”he asked.

The guest, regretful of having given too much information, tried to avoid the matter, but the presenter reproached him: “Didn’t you want Telecinco? Well, take Telecinco». The singer seemed nervous trying to get through the bad situation hugging a stuffed animal with Broncano’s face, something that the comedian wanted to point out: “I like that while you talk about your ex, you hug me.” The situation became increasingly uncomfortable as they delved into the topic. The presenter, upon realizing the artist’s discomfort, wanted to highlight that “You brought up the subject, otherwise I wouldn’t have insisted.”

But Rojuu decided to stay silent to avoid giving too many answers, since it seems he had made a mistake. In fact, the program’s own X account (formerly Twitter) wanted to give advice to its future guests to avoid moments like this: «Advice for future guests: Don’t get into gardens like that in the Classic Questions». And even the guests remained silent during this moment.

Before this awkward moment happened in the middle of the program, Broncano asked him the other question: his money in the bank. He wanted to clarify that he was not referring to how much money the singer earns, but rather what he has accumulated. The artist did not take long to give him a clear and concise answer: “120,000 euros,” he replied.

But these were not the only compromising questions that the presenter asked Rojuu, since he also wanted to know how much time a day he used his cell phone, something that, before picking it up to look at its usage time, he wanted to clarify that he used it a lot: «About 8 or 9 hours a day», he estimated. And he hit the nail on the head. When Broncano checked the singer’s phone’s usage time, he showed the viewers that the cell phone showed a daily average of 9 hours and 12 minutes of cell phone use.

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