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His last gift was to make him dad

After years of struggle and dozens of visits to the doctor Germa and his wife Jhasel were able to have a baby.

It is the first time that Germa Heriberto Hernández García celebrates Father’s Day. After years of treatments and two miscarriages, his wife became pregnant with little Sebastián, six days after giving birth, unfortunately she died as a result of the covid.

Now that baby is the engine that drives his life, Germa is a worker in Altos Hornos de México, for him there is no greater happiness than coming home from work and seeing little Sebastián, he receives him with a big smile and with that sparkle in his slanted eyes , is very similar to his mother Jhasel Vásquez López.

He never imagined what it was like to be a father, it was 12 years of marriage, several years in in vitro fertilization treatment and two pregnancies that unfortunately did not materialize. When they were about to perform an artificial insemination, the miracle of God happened, the baby they longed for had finally arrived.

They were 9 months of intensive care, full of joy the couple looked forward to the birth of Sebastián, until the day came to meet the little one, a product of the love between them.

After the delivery, Jhasel began with discomfort, she was a little fatigued, agitated, but she insisted that she had nothing, her husband decided to take her to consult and they confirmed their suspicions, she was infected with the virus.

The intention was to take her to a private doctor, buy oxygen tanks and what was necessary, the last option was always to enter the clinic 7 for all that was going on at that time, dozens of deaths were announced daily, but the doctors recommended do it.

Jhasel entered on January 12, six days after giving birth to her little son, she was afraid, but she entered with the hope of leaving to return with her son, to see him grow up, to enjoy to its family.

He was also infected but the symptoms were not serious, while his wife was in the hospital, he isolated himself at home for 15 days, waiting for the moment when the three could be united.

One Friday morning, he received a phone call, it was the doctor who called him to inform him that it was necessary to place a central catheter for his wife, he said that she was conscious and that he had already authorized it, but that authorization from he.

That day Germa had the opportunity to talk to his wife on the phone, the first thing he did was ask her about her baby, he replied that he was fine and then encouraged her, told her to make him want to because her family he hoped for his speedy recovery.

The next morning, he received a call from the hospital again, they told him to go to the clinic, he let them know that he was isolated and asked him to be another relative, he asked what was happening, but they did not want to tell him, they insisted that the presence of a relative.

Germa’s mother went to the clinic, it was she who received the bad news, Jhasel had died between 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning, due to the delivery her defenses were very low so she did not resist.

The family He hesitated to break the news to Germa, they did not know how he was going to react, but it was necessary to do so, his mother went to see him, entered the room and gave him the news, he could not believe it the day before they had spoken, she was fine.

Many times she has wondered why this happened? She was very young, 39 years old and dreamed of being a mother, she fulfilled her dream but unfortunately it was only for 6 days, she would have been the best mother.

Germa mentioned that today, when he sees his son, he sees his wife, he mentioned that he has her gestures, her ways, her slanted eyes, her eyelashes, her mouth, her lips, everything reminds her of her.

It was his turn to win over his son, he took strength from where he could because now he has someone who depends on him, who watches his steps, today the new father works so that he does not lack anything and provide him with a good education.

He mentioned that it is difficult to be alone with his son and he was infinitely grateful for the support that his mother Lidia and his sister Delma give him, because they are the ones who take care of Sebastián, but sometimes he thinks that if his wife were there, everything would be different. .

All he wants is to be for his son, what one day his father Pedro Hernández Chavarría was for him, his father passed away 6 years ago, but he left him a great legacy, he taught him to work, he was a very good example and that. It is the same thing that little Sebastian wants to inherit.

Little by little he is overcoming what happened, his friend Martín Tovar is a Christian and although he lives in Monterrey they are in constant communication, he has heard the word of God in him, he tries to accept God’s decisions even if it is painful.

Today the warmest, most pleasant, peaceful place is the home that he formed with his wife, but his family he thinks that it is best for him to stay at his mother’s house for a while.

He feels strong and eager to move forward for his son, he has never thought of committing a madness as many have thought, because now Sebastián is his own life, he does not pretend to be the perfect father, but a real father, to give him his arms when he needs it, to give him all his love and advice.

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