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his last companion, at worst, was arrested by the police

police londonienne a été sollicitée suite à des attaques au marteau visant des voitures en stationnement, et plus particulièrement "une Mercedes, une BMW et une Toyota Auris", dans l'ouest de la capitale du Royaume-Uni. Trois jours plus tard, le tabloïd britannique The Sun a révélé que l'auteur présumé de ces actes ne serait nul autre que Fadi Fawaz, le dernier compagnon de George Michael. Dans des images relayées par nos confrères d'outre-Manche, le coiffeur apparaît vêtu d'une combinaison débraillée, menottes aux poignets. Il est soupçonné de dommages criminels, de possession d'un couteau ainsi que de drogues de classe A." data-reactid="19">He is only a shadow of himself. This Friday, August 14, the London police were called upon following hammer attacks targeting parked cars, and more particularly “a Mercedes, a BMW and a Toyota Auris”, in the west of the capital of the United Kingdom. Three days later, British tabloid The Sun revealed that the alleged perpetrator was none other than Fadi Fawaz, George Michael’s last companion. In images relayed by our colleagues from across the Channel, the hairdresser appears dressed in a scruffy jumpsuit, handcuffs. He is suspected of criminal damage, possession of a knife and Class A drugs.

Fadi Fawaz’s new appearance did not leave the anonymous indifferent, as The Sun recounts, citing various locals. “He seemed to have lived the hard way and it’s hard to believe he was George Michael’s ex,” said a jeweler by the name of Kamal Hussain. “He clearly needs help. George’s family shouldn’t have left him alone and dry.” It must be said that the fate would have been fierce on the main concerned. Refusing to leave the villa of his famous companion after his death and not appearing in his will, the 47-year-old hairdresser had to make up his mind to leave, when the heirs of the ex-star of Wham sold the house for the sum of $ 5 million. Fadi Fawaz was able to find refuge in a low-cost hotel, spending the sum of 49 pounds

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