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His iPhone stays several hours in the ocean, and still works

It’s a rather unusual story that just happened to a British user of the Reddit social network. The latter claims to have dropped his iPhone in the Atlantic Ocean before finally finding it a few hours later.

The iPhone is water resistant

A real good surprise awaited him, since his phone was still in working order. The man says he was paddleboarding when he lost his device. He was able to get his hands on it seven hours later, during low tide, and using the Find My application.

If you are wondering, the screenshot shared by this Internet user does not indicate any additional details, but he would be the owner of an iPhone X or higher. If this story may surprise, it is still the first time that Apple customers share similar experiences.

The most recent also concerns a Briton named Owain Davies. He had lost his iPhone in a river in August 2021 during a canoe trip for a bachelor party.

Ten months later, a man named Miguel Pacheco accidentally found his smartphone in the water. He then took it home, dried it, and posted the images online to find its owner. When he recovered his iPhone, Owain Davies barely came back from it because it was still working despite the many months spent in the water.

This excellent news for users is also for Apple, and these positive stories are thus very good free publicity testifying to the solidity of the phones sold by the Apple brand.

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By: Keleops AG

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