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His football skills earned him a scholarship for admission into a university in the USA.

After catching the attention of the coach of an American university football team, Oliver Bewell, a senior at Pardailhan High School, is about to fly to North Carolina.

At only 17 years old, Oliver Bewell is about to live his American dream. Currently in the final year at Pardailhan high school, the footballing talents of the Neo-Auscitain have indeed attracted the attention of a French coach practicing at the University of Mars Hill, in North Carolina. “I came through the NCSA, an organization that connects college and high school student-athletes with college coaches. After creating an account in March 2022, I contacted the assistant coach of the university football team, ”says the high school student, dismissed for two seasons at Auch Football.

The initiative of Oliver Bewell, who plays as a goalkeeper, hits the mark. The French-born coach consults his profile, analyzes his potential through his videos, before approaching him at the end of the year to offer him to join the United States.

Becoming a pro: “Not a priority”

Neither one nor two, the native of Haute-Garonne jumped at the chance and gave his approval, guided by a desire for novelty, more than by the dream of becoming a professional footballer. “Breaking into football, barring a huge turnaround, would be a huge surprise to me, because there are a lot of players out there who are probably better than me. Becoming a professional player is not my absolute priority, ”confides the last bastion of the Auscitaine U18 team.

“What motivated me was above all the fact of being able to see the world, discover a new culture and develop my opinion by seeing more things, while having sport on the side”, specifies Oliver Bewell, not worried about to the language barrier, he who, thanks to British parents, uses the language of Shakespeare to perfection.

USA à condition d'avoir son Bac." width="782" height="520" layout="responsive"/>

The teenager will fly to the USA provided he has his Bac.

If he does not yet know which sector he will turn to once on the benches of the American university, despite a penchant for history, the adopted Gersois, on the other hand, has already gathered information on the life that awaits him across the Atlantic. “From what I’ve been told, in the USA, the season lasts from August to January. During this period, I will have classes in the morning and in the afternoon I will have training, four times a week. After there are two months of hollow, and then we resume training, but there is no more competition until the following season, ”explains the teenager.

Obtaining the Bac capital

Impatient to start a new page in his life, Oliver Bewell is nonetheless focused on his last year of high school. And for good reason, the young goalkeeper will fly towards the New World on the sole condition that his name appears in the list of admitted baccalaureate 2023 next July.

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