The actor confesses that he saw the former tronista’s ears dirty. He is joined by the Selassié sisters: “There are also people who smell of rotten fish”
Time to unconfessable confessions to Big Brother Vip. In the afternoon, while Alex Belli was intent on doing an ear massage a Lulu, the actor confessed that one of the roommates would ears dirty with earwax. Particular apparently also noticed by Raffaella Fico.
Clear, talking with Lulu he declared that he did not have the courage to mention the name of the gieffina but the attentive people of Twitter would have already revealed it: it would in fact be the former tronista of Men and Women, Sophie codegoni, which, however, would have already been told. “For that matter, there’s a woman here who has ears full of earwax. Crunchy just. Like today I passed by, looked and said ‘oh my God’. The thing is, I didn’t have the courage to tell her anything. I haven’t found the strength to tell her “, declared the actor from Romagna a Lulu as reported by Biccy.
Also Jessica, in reference topersonal hygiene of competitors, revealed: “For that matter, there are also people here who smell like rotten fish. Yes, it has that terrible smell there.” Name which, in this case, was still referred to Alex but this time in a low voice.
La Selassié wanted to report the latest rumor also to Raffaella Fico and Francesca Cipriani: “Girls I tell you, because it’s not about you. But I have a very crunchy gossip. Here we have a very crunchy ear, full of earwax. One that wanders around here.” “My God what a crap come on. But I got it! I saw this person too, after I tell you too Francy “, replied the I am.
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