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Israel: Passover with family after successful anti-Covid-19 vaccination campaign

For the first time since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Israelis can celebrate Passover as a family, Jewish Passover, which takes place from Saturday March 27 to Sunday April 4. The number of new infections and hospitalizations of Covid-19 positive patients continues to decrease steadily, the result of the successful vaccination campaign, say specialists. With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Michel Paul How is this night different from all the other nights? This is the question traditionally asked by children during the Seder, the Passover meal in Passover. And this year, the answer in Israel seems obvious to many: “Last year, I was home alone: ​​we had a Zoom night with the family. But this year it’s in family, we are all vaccinated, with children, grandchildren, friends, new babies… ”, summarizes Tamar Samesh. No masks, but not more than 20 people: it is the only real limitation imposed by the authorities, however difficult to verify. It is the return to normal, estimates Michael Morali: “It is a very great joy to find his children, it gives me great pleasure to be able to do it again. The majority of the population is vaccinated, so the services will be able to be done more or less normally: we are very happy. “Alice Marciano has been preparing for this traditional reunion for weeks:” This year, it’s a pleasure to meet around a table. Of course, with all the good traditional dishes of the Jewish-Moroccan family! “Easter break also for politics: negotiations between the various parties, after the elections, will not resume until the day after the party. ► Read also: Covid-19: Israel extends vaccination to pregnant women

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