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KOMPAS.comEvolution is the process of change and development of living things in the long term. Variation is one indication of the occurrence evolution because variation indicates recombination and genetic mutation.

What are the clues? evolution theory? Hints of evolution are fossils, anatomy and embryology, molecular biology, geographic distribution of living things, and the remains of living organisms.


Fossils are the remains of organisms that provide strong evidence for evolution. Scientists determine most of the fossils found by the age of rock layers as well as carbon dating. Fossils are also studied to determine their relationship to one another.

Reported from Lumen Learningscientists compose the fossil record that tells the story of the past and shows that evolution took place over millions of years.

Also read: Evolution According to Experts

Anatomy and embryology

Besides fossils, other clues about evolution are anatomy and embryology.


Anatomy is the study of the structure and shape of living things. Anatomy found that living things have almost the same basic structure.

Anatomy shows the existence of homologous and analogous organs in living things. Homologous organs show that living things from a common ancestor developed organs with different functions.

The analogous organs are living things from different ancestors and evolutionary lines, developing organs with almost the same function.


Embryology is the study of the development of living things from a very early stage. The clue to the occurrence of evolution in embryology is the similarity of the embryo.

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All living things come from embryos, and most species have the same embryo at an early stage of development. Reported from Sciencingall vertebrates have gill and tail slits in the early stages of embryonic formation.

Geographical distribution or distribution of living things

The next evolutionary clue is the geographic distribution or distribution of living things. The differences in living things across the earth’s surface are not only due to geographic adaptation, but also evolution.

Studying the distribution of living things on earth to the place where they first appeared can be evidence of evolution.

Molecular Biology

As mentioned earlier, that variation within species indicates the occurrence of evolution. Species variation is studied in molecular biology.

Also read: DNA: Definition, Structure, and its Arrangement

Reported from Encyclopedia Britannicamolecular biology provides the most detailed and convincing evidence of evolution that DNA has ever seen.

DNA is the genetic material that is passed down from generation to generation by living things. DNA stores complete information and evolutionary clues. For example, how DNA is recombined also mutates to form new variations.

Evolutionary remains

The clue to the existence of further evolution is the body’s remaining organs. There are several organs in living things that are no longer used, but still remain. This indicates that the body evolved, because it used to need these organs.

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