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Hilzingen: Road crosses shape the Hegau landscape – and interest over 150 people who exchange ideas about them

Mr. Homburger, at the end of July you created the group “Wegkreuz im Hegau and beyond” on Facebook and posted the first photo of a field cross. How did you come up with this idea?

I discovered cycling as a hobby five years ago. You perceive your surroundings very differently on a bike than from a car. Then I noticed the infinite number of wayside crosses that exist in our region. At some point you stop, take a closer look and notice how exciting these small monks are. This also applies to summit crosses, picture pieces or memorial stones. There are stories behind all of them.

Can you tell us one?

With pleasure. Near Duchtlingen there is a memorial cross for an aviator who crashed in the First World War. Back then, it was a maddening event for people, one that was imprinted on the memory of the people of Duchtling for many decades. My grandmother told me about it. I find such backgrounds extremely interesting. I thought maybe others would be interested too.

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So do you do that?

Over 150 people have now joined the Facebook group. The group grew very quickly. A month after my first post, there were more than a hundred people. I was very surprised at how quickly that grew. A new picture is added every few days. And time and again the members know details about the history of the wayside cross, or have been able to find out about them in the meantime. For example to a wayside cross between Hilzingen and Duchtlingen. Before the cycle path was built, there were two crosses. One thing broke while trying to implement it.

Are the many ways and land crosses in Hegau actually something special?

This is a deeply Catholic story. The wayside crosses are only found in Catholic areas. You won’t find any on the other side of the Swiss border. Perhaps, as an undertaker, I have a special approach to Christian symbolism. But I think they are nice places to pause. And maybe the members of our Facebook group think so too. Many say it’s a great tradition behind the crosses. In any case, many wonderful atmospheric photos have been posted. One could think about making a calendar out of it.

Does the group feel like posting and admiring great pictures?

Until now yes. But there are impulses. At Gnnersbohl is the rest of a wayside cross that has been badly affected by time. My circle of friends is now talking about the fact that one should take care of it and how best to proceed. I think it would be great if we could help ensure that such small monks will still exist in decades.

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“Cross savers” on duty: Arthur Schuler and Bernd Gutmann bring Christian symbols back into shape

Bernd Gutmann (left) and Arthur Schuler (right) repaired this wayside cross on Alte Steinasäger Strasse on their own initiative.  A fallen spruce had demolished the cross.

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