Home » today » Business » Highways, inconvenience on all sections for construction sites: queues in A7, A10 and A12. Road transport: “Stop tolls for businesses”

Highways, inconvenience on all sections for construction sites: queues in A7, A10 and A12. Road transport: “Stop tolls for businesses”

Genoa – Even today a day of inconvenience on the Ligurian motorway network due to construction sites. Queues have been registered since the morning and the situation has been getting worse.

At 4.30 pm, 4 kilometers of queue on the A7 between Genoa Bolzaneto and Busalla due to works and another 3 kilometers of queue on the A12 between Rapallo and Genoa Nervi, again due to construction. Queues also on other sections of the A10, A12 and A26 (more details below).

Even the Minister of Labor, Andrea Orlando, expected in Genoa for the Ilva dispute, was stuck in traffic on the A12 and arrived in the capital an hour late.

The request for road transport

Refreshments and exemption from tolls. These are the measures that the regional coordination Fai-Conftrasporto considers “indispensable to respond to the difficulties faced daily, for months, by the road haulage companies that operate along the connecting roads affected by the construction sites, even in this summer period”.

“We are not opposed to refreshments, on the contrary – specifies Davide Falteri, president of Fai Liguria, the Federation of Italian Road Haulers that adheres to Conftrasporto-Confcommercio -. We are equally convinced, however, that the alternative measure ofexemption from motorway tolls is at the moment more immediate and concrete “.

“The inconvenience associated with construction sites along the Ligurian motorways is making itself felt even more in this period of travel for the holidays, with traffic increasing decidedly – explains Falteri – On the one hand, there are the indispensable works to be carried out for the safety of the viaducts, on the other hand the complications that hauliers suffer every day for slowdowns. This is why the exemption from tolls can represent a concrete answer for all those companies which, due to the slowdowns generated by the construction sites themselves, have to incur additional costs “.” The next issue to be addressed in the future that we hope is not too distant, will be that of a more adequate planning of the works, which can allow the road transport companies, and the drivers themselves, to work with greater tranquility, in safety and on the basis of precise planning “, concludes the president of Fai Liguria.



– 1 kilometer queue between Busalla and Ronco Scrivia for works.

– Queue of 4 kilometers between Genoa Bolzaneto and Busalla for works.


– Queue between Varazze and Arenzano by accident.

– Queue on the A10 / A26 junction Tunnels coming from Ventimiglia towards Gravellona Toce for works.

– Queue between Arenzano and the A10 / A26 junction Tunnels for heavy traffic.

– Queue between Genova Pra ‘and the A10 / A26 junction Tunnels for heavy traffic.

– 2-kilometer queue between Celle Ligure and the A10 junction / Beginning of the Complanare Savona for works.

– Queue of 4 kilometers between the A10 junction / End Complanare Savona and Albisola due to roadworks.


– Queue of 3 kilometers between Rapallo and Genova Nervi for works.

– 1 kilometer queue between Genova Nervi and Recco for works.


– Queue of 1 kilometer between Masone and Junction A26 / A10 Genova-Ventimiglia for works.

– Queue of 3 kilometers between the A26 / A10 Genova-Ventimiglia junction and Masone for works.

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