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“Highlighting little-known nuggets to promote tourism throughout the year”

ATTENDANCE – After a satisfactory summer season, the new president of Gironde Tourisme wants to promote tourism throughout the year in the department

Take advantage of the health crisis, and the resulting changes in habits. The new president of Gironde Tourisme, Karine Desmoulin, in charge of tourism to the county council, and county councilor of the canton of Gujan-Mestras, has just presented its roadmap for the coming years.

After a summer season which went rather well despite the context – 76% of tourism professionals surveyed by Gironde Tourisme say they are “satisfied” or “very satisfied” – the Gironde remains in the Top 5 of the favorite destinations of the French, ranking in fourth position. “Unsurprisingly, we have recorded very good frequentation of the coast, in particular by the Girondins themselves who have favored local tourism, but also by foreign customers who have partially returned, particularly the Dutch, Belgians and Germans, analysis Karine Desmoulin. Tourists have really favored outdoor spaces, such as holiday villages and campsites, as well as outdoor activities. “

“Offer activities throughout the year”

But “these peaks in summer attendance pose accommodation problems for employees (…) Read more on 20minutes

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