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Highlighting Leadership Dualism at UMI, LLDIKTI Forms a Team to Find the Best Solution

FAJAR.CO.ID, MAKASSAR — The internal conflict regarding the removal of the chancellor on the Indonesian Muslim University (UMI) campus has become a national concern. Because suddenly, the UMI Waqf Foundation removed Prof. Basri Modding as chancellor, and appointed Acting Prof. Sufirman Rahman.

This condition has left a number of campus members confused. Because each rector claims to be the legitimate leader. Including students who are currently studying.

“Yesterday it was announced by the Chancellor that we were on holiday, but there was another circular from the Acting Chancellor that lectures would continue. We are confused about this,” said Asdar, one of the students.

Including his concerns about the diplomas of students who have just graduated.

The condition of the UMI campus is also a concern for the Higher Education Service Institute (LLDIKTI) Region IX aka Kopertis.

Head of LLDIKTI Region IX, Dr Andi Lukman, said that currently his party is also forming a team to respond to this condition.

“Our team is currently out collecting information for the best solution,” said Andi Lukman.

Therefore, he really hopes that the campus will remain in a conducive atmosphere and will not disrupt the ongoing academic process.

Andi Lukman, who is also a UMI doctoral alumnus, hopes that this problem can also be resolved well without harming any party, including students who are currently studying. “All parties must exercise restraint,” he explained. (nas)

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