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Higher Regional Court Hamm: Pug “Edda” climbs the next instance

At the beginning of 2019, the “Edda” case made headlines: An official from the city of Ahlen attached the pug lady to a family in debt – and later offered her on his private account on the Internet as a “cute pug lady with family tree”.

According to the Ebay classified ad, the bitch was “perfectly healthy”. A policewoman bought the animal, but then sued for damages because “Edda” had already been ill at the time of the purchase and, among other things, required several expensive eye operations.

The sales amount is said to have flowed into the city treasury. At that time, the German Animal Welfare Association sharply criticized the authorities’ action to reject the trade in animals via internet platforms, since they were used to degrade living beings to goods.

Now the Higher Regional Court in Hamm has to deal with the case. Because the new owner considers an appraiser to be biased in the ongoing process, the next instance had to be activated.

Do pug buyers have to assume illnesses?

With this, the third dish already gets the “Pug Files” on the table. The dog buyer’s lawyer had originally sued the city of Ahlen before the local court. Among other things, because of the high amount in dispute of around 20,000 euros, the case went to the Münster District Court. There, an expert submitted his expert opinion, in which he described pugs as “one of the breeds most severely affected by agony breeding”. The buyer of a pug can therefore not assume that his dog is healthy.

The owner of the dog, which she renamed Wilma, considers the appraiser to be biased because of his statements. The district court has since rejected an application from her lawyer. The lawyer then filed a complaint, said a court spokesman. The OLG Hamm must now decide on that. Only then would it be clear how the civil lawsuit would continue in Münster. The negotiations there had started in mid-November.

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