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Higher diesel aid required for all – Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district

Bus companies in the region around Freiburg sound the alarm and see regular services threatened without support.

. Will there be no more buses soon? Private bus companies, which provide local transport with their vehicles on behalf of the public, sound the alarm: there is still no compensation for diesel prices, which have risen exorbitantly since March due to the war in Ukraine, on the part of the customers. The Association of Baden-Württemberg Bus Companies (WBO) is currently using statewide press conferences to draw attention to the plight of its members, including at the Freiburg bus station on Tuesday.

Dying the situation
“We have been dealing with this issue since March,” Weber said. Since then there have been several talks with the state transport minister and a model for diesel aid nationwide. But they could not have agreed on the financing with the state and the municipal part. This is now a matter for the 44 task carriers. Weber’s prediction is that the price of diesel …

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