During the first round, the 14-hour turnout statistics were higher, reaching 36.13 percent.
Voters from Juodpėnai (29.81%), Adomynės (27.99%) and Žaideliai (26.85%) vicinities voted most actively on Sunday.
The largest number of voters who have voted so far, together with those who voted in advance, are in the Adomynės area – 44.02 percent.
The candidates who received the most votes in the first round are competing for the post of mayor of Kupiškis district: Eglė Blaževičienė, nominated by the Union of Lithuanian Peasants and Greens, and Algirdas Raslanas, representative of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party.
During the first round of elections, the turnout in Kupiškis reached 47.12 percent. voters. 14 thousand people can vote in the election of the mayor of Kupiškis district. 181 residents of the municipality.
Elections are taking place in Kupiškis after the former conservative mayor Dainiai Bardauskas was found guilty of bribery, influence peddling and incitement to falsify a document. He is banned from holding managerial positions.
2023-10-22 11:31:28
#percent #voters #voted #mayoral #elections #Kupiškis #district