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“High treason”. Urgent movements in Libya after the opening of the Lockerbie case

Abu Aghilawho had previously been accused of involvement in the bombing of a US aircraft over the city of Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, despite an earlier promise in Washington to drop the case and not prosecute the defendant.

The Presidency of Parliament declared the Lockerbie case "It was eventually settled with the US government under an agreement that resulted in non-criminal liability for Tripoli and compensation for those financially affected."according to the correspondence addressed to the images and see the site "Sky News Arabia" on a copy of it.

High treason

MPs also denounced the extradition of Abu Ageila, in another statement which said:

• The surrender of any Libyan citizen to a foreign country outside the framework of the law is a crime that violates all local and international laws and treaties.

• We call for an emergency session to be held for Parliament to take the necessary steps to address this national matter locally and abroad, and to release Abu-Ageila and bring him back safely.

• There is a previous decision by Parliament to charge anyone who reopens a case with high treason "lockerbie".

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There have been calls for Libyan and Arab lawyers to form a joint defense committee to plead Abu Ajila, which has been supported by Libyan political analyst Izz al-Din Aqil.

Akil tells the site "Sky News Arabia": "The delivery of Abu Ageila and his presentation before American judiciary In flagrant violation of Libyan law, and in violation of the settlement agreement concluded between Libya and the United States in 2008, which ended all claims relating to the case in its civil aspect.".

The Libyan political analyst also points out that Scotland is the one competent in the matter of litigation because it is the country where the American plane crashed and has not requested the extradition of Abu Ageila.

Abu Ajila, 71, suffering from various diseases, disappeared after being searched by the elements "joint strength" of the outgoing government led by Abdul Hamid al-Dabaiba, his home last November 17, then his relatives were surprised by his presence in the United States, where he is being tried for having manufactured the bomb that served to detonate the plane .

New fee

The seriousness of the incident does not end with the handing over of a Libyan citizen to a foreign person, but with the announcement of their presence by the Scottish authorities "Another defendant" Manufacturing of the bomb used in the bombing of the plane, according to Libyan political researcher Mohammed Qashout.

Qushout explains in an interview with the site "Sky News Arabia"what does it mean "One can consider the loss of billions of dollars that had previously been paid in compensation, and a claim for new compensation, and this in light of the presence of Libyan funds frozen overseas.".

Qeshout criticized the position of Tripoli’s night government, affirming it "I just kept silent".

History of the Lockerbie case

• In 1988 a company plane was bombed "Pan American" On Flight 103 between London and New York, over the city lockerbie in Scotland.

• The bombing was described as the deadliest terrorist attack on British soil, killing 270 people on the plane, including 190 Americans, and 11 people on the ground.

• The authorities, under the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, acknowledged their responsibility for the attack and, after a deal with the United States in 2003, provided $2.7 billion in compensation to the families of the victims.

• One defendant, former Libyan intelligence officer Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, was tried.

• According to the US indictment, Abu Ageila assembled and programmed the bomb that brought down the plane.

• Abu Ageila had previously been detained in Libya on charges of involvement in the 1986 attack on a Berlin nightclub before his release.

• After al-Megrahi’s death, his family asked the UK to declassify documents alleging Tehran was behind the operation, in response to the downing of an Iranian plane by a US Navy missile in 1988 which killed 290 people.


This came a day after the US announced the detention Abu Aghilawho had previously been accused of involvement in the bombing of a US aircraft over the city of Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, despite an earlier promise in Washington to drop the case and not prosecute the defendant.

And the presidency of Parliament said the Lockerbie case “has finally been resolved with the US government under an agreement that resulted in non-criminal liability of Tripoli and financial compensation for those affected,” according to the direct correspondent. to the photos, and “Sky News Arabia” viewed a copy.

High treason

MPs also denounced the extradition of Abu Ageila, in another statement which said:

• The surrender of any Libyan citizen to a foreign country outside the framework of the law is a crime that violates all local and international laws and treaties.

• We call for an emergency session to be held for Parliament to take the necessary steps to address this national matter locally and abroad, and to release Abu-Ageila and bring him back safely.

• There is a previous decision by Parliament to charge anyone who reopens the Lockerbie case with high treason.

There have been calls for Libyan and Arab lawyers to form a joint defense committee to plead Abu Ajila, which has been supported by Libyan political analyst Izz al-Din Aqil.

Aqil told Sky News Arabia: “The handover of Abu Ajila and his presentation to the public American judiciary A flagrant violation of Libyan law, and a violation of the settlement agreement concluded between Libya and the United States in 2008, which ended all disputes relating to the case in its civil aspect.

The Libyan political analyst also points out that Scotland is the one competent in the matter of litigation because it is the country where the American plane crashed and has not requested the extradition of Abu Ageila.

Abu Ajila, 71, suffering from various diseases, disappeared after the “Joint Force” of the outgoing government, led by Abdul Hamid al-Dabaiba, raided his home on November 17, and then his relatives were surprised from his presence in the United States, where he is being tried for having manufactured the bomb used to detonate The Plane.

New fee

The gravity of the incident does not stop when a Libyan national is handed over to a foreign party, but rather with the Scottish authorities announcing the presence of “another accused” of manufacturing the bomb used to blow up the plane, according to Libyan political researcher Muhammad Qashout.

Qeshut explained in an interview with “Sky News Arabia” that the matter involves “the loss of billions of dollars that had previously been paid in compensation, and can be considered a request for new compensation, and this in light of the presence of Libyans frozen funds abroad”.

Qeshout criticized the position of Tripoli’s nocturnal government, stating that it was “satisfied with silence”.

History of the Lockerbie case

• In 1988, a Pan American aircraft on Flight 103 between London and New York was bombed over the city of lockerbie in Scotland.

• The bombing was described as the deadliest terrorist attack on British soil, killing 270 people on the plane, including 190 Americans, and 11 people on the ground.

• The authorities, under the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, acknowledged their responsibility for the attack and, after a deal with the United States in 2003, provided $2.7 billion in compensation to the families of the victims.

• One defendant, former Libyan intelligence officer Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, was tried.

• According to the US indictment, Abu Ageila assembled and programmed the bomb that brought down the plane.

• Abu Ageila had previously been detained in Libya on charges of involvement in the 1986 attack on a Berlin nightclub before his release.

• After al-Megrahi’s death, his family asked the UK to declassify documents alleging Tehran was behind the operation, in response to the downing of an Iranian plane by a US Navy missile in 1988 which killed 290 people.

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