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High standards and high quality promote the education and rectification of the province’s political and legal teams, Yuan Jiajun puts forward requirements-Zhejiang News-Zhejiang Online

High standards and high quality promote the education and rectification of the province’s political and legal teams Yuan Jiajun puts forward requirements

March 02, 2021 11:31:50

Source: Zhejiang Online

Zhejiang Daily reporter Qian Yi, Zhejiang Online reporter Feng He

Photo by Wang Zhihao

  Zhejiang Online, Hangzhou, March 2 (Zhejiang Daily reporter Qian Yi, Zhejiang Online reporter Feng He) On March 1, the provincial political and legal team education rectification mobilization deployment meeting was held. The meeting requested that in accordance with the requirements of the National Political and Legal Team Education and Reorganization and Mobilization Conference and the requirements of the Provincial Party Committee, the province’s political and legal team education and rectification work should be done with high standards and high quality to ensure that the expected results are achieved.

Before the meeting, Yuan Jiajun, secretary of the provincial party committee and leader of the political and legal team education rectification leading group of the provincial party committee, listened to the work report and put forward clear requirements for the education and rectification of the political and legal team in our province. He pointed out that the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has made major decisions and arrangements for the education and rectification of the political and legal teams, and pointed out the overall requirements, policy measures, and working methods of the education rectification, so as to help us do a good job in education rectification and promote the development of political and legal undertakings in the new era. Provides a fundamental follow. Relevant departments throughout the province must earnestly study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and precepts, and in accordance with the requirements of the central government, with the political responsibility of the “three places” and a vanguard posture, consciously take the education and rectification of the political and legal teams as a major political task. , Strive to build a Zhejiang political and legal iron army that the party and people can trust, depend on, and can rest assured, for the faithful implementation of the “eight-eight strategy”, striving to create an “important window”, and striving to provide a strong political and legal guarantee for the pioneering province of socialist modernization. Achievements celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. We must use the determination and courage of self-revolution, high standards and high quality to promote the education and rectification of the political and legal team, focusing on the “four major tasks” of building political loyalty, eliminating black sheep, rectifying stubborn diseases, and promoting the spirit of heroes and models. Large-scale investigations, large-scale rectification of persistent diseases, large-scale rectification of problems, comprehensive corrective actions, anti-corruption and strong police, strive to make the people feel fair and just in every judicial case. It is necessary to persist in overall planning and overall advancement. Party committees at all levels assume the main responsibilities, each political and legal unit strengthens line guidance, and each member unit of the leadership group strengthens coordination and cooperation to effectively form a strong joint force for the education and rectification of the political and legal team.

The Provincial Party Committee will issue the “Implementation Opinions on Carrying out the Education and Rectification of the Provincial Political and Legal Team” and related plans in the near future. Educational rectification will be carried out in two batches from bottom to top: from March to the end of June, it will be the political and legal committees of the city and county party committees, political and legal units, including the provincial prison drug rehabilitation system; from August to the end of October, it will be the provincial political and legal committee and the provincial government. Politics and law units.

In the next step, our province will stimulate the motivation of self-examination and self-correction, exert the power of organizing investigation and punishment, improve the effectiveness of special rectification, and focus on rectifying violations of the “three regulations” to prevent interference in the judicial system; violations of regulations by business-run enterprises and spouses, children and their spouses Engage in business activities; illegal participation in stock loans; illegal commutation, parole, and temporary execution outside of prison; failure to establish a case, fail to investigate the case, and fail to investigate guilt; problems such as illegal employment of lawyers and judicial brokers after the resignation of judges and prosecutors . All local political and legal units will persist in learning and education throughout to lay a solid foundation for the ideological foundation of education and rectification; rigorously promote investigation and rectification, eliminate black sheep, and rectify stubborn diseases; do a good job in summarizing and upgrading, promote education rectification, regular governance and long-term effects, and strive to build Loyal, clean and responsible for the new era of Zhejiang’s iron army of politics and law.


Huang Yong

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