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High School Students Attempt 2000km Road Trip Across France Without a License

The final year students at the Pierre and Marie Curie high school, will connect Paris from Menton by car without a license. A journey of 2000 km in total that they want to complete in just under two weeks.

They took the start this Sunday, April 16, at 8:30 a.m., and hope to reach the capital in four days before heading back down to the South. An adventure validated by their parents who admit, two days before departure, to have “belly ball”.

What is your itinerary?

Enzo : We leave Menton, Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and we will go to Paris in stages over four days. We are coming back on April 28, if all goes well. It’s been a good little trip for us!

Where did the idea come from?

Enzo : It was basically a joke. At the cinema, Jordan jokingly offers me to go to Paris with my car without a license. I looked him in the eyes and said “let’s go, let’s go”. That was about three months ago.

Jordan : We had to negotiate with the parents.

Enzo : At the beginning, it was complicated with our two mothers but we managed to motivate them.

Is it a charity challenge?

Enzo : Absolutely not. We do this for us. We discovered afterwards that it was a French record and potentially a world record, because we are teenagers. We may see to save it.

Jordan : It’s mainly to have a good memory.

Enzo : In two months, I’ll be of age and I’ll have a real car. I wanted to have powerful memories with this one.

So you go at your own expense?

Enzo : We have six sponsors: Au pays du citron de Menton and La ferme des citrons, which are my parents’ businesses, Techprint, Jordan’s father’s carpentry, Mister Bubble in Sospel and Motos joly, which overhauled the car for us. and the Segui insurance, which pays us part of the gasoline. It is still necessary to count 400 euros round trip. In addition, we have created a Leetchi kitty “Menton Paris without a permit” to finance this trip.

Are you confident?

Enzo : I have already done 30,000 km with the car. Well, that was in three years. There, we will do 2,000 km in two weeks. It’s not much in comparison.

What will be the biggest difficulty?

Enzo : The weight. It is a car intended for two people and with all the luggage, gasoline, it will be almost double.

Jordan : The mountain road too. We will have to cross passes…

Enzo : We’ll see. We cross fingers !

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