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High School Graduates Celebrate with Alcohol and Drugs in Front of St. Alexander Nevsky Temple-Monument

  • Empty bottles and beer cans littered the square in front of “St. Alexander Nevsky”
  • And the police officers on the spot – a lot and always smiling

Merry Christmas!

Well, which school were we from?

There is hope for Bulgaria!

Well, there isn’t any. Come on!

The heaven gas balloon isn’t something harmful, it’s part of the party. We are having fun.

Similar remarks of 12th graders could be heard in the moments of silence in front of the temple-monument “St. Alexander Nevsky” in the evening of May 16 – the last school day for high school graduates. Graduations are waiting for them. The first is on May 19 – in Bulgarian language and literature.

And the square – a meeting point before going to a bar or a pub – was littered with bottles of paradise gas, burst balloons, empty beers, jugs of energy drinks, cigarette butts, a bunch of other rubbish and… lots of smiling policemen.

If you have any questions, contact the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,

answered a reporter of “24 hours” a uniformed employee.

I want to stay in Bulgaria and help fix the situation. Although we see what is happening in front of the temple-monument “St. Alexander Nevsky”. It’s so vulgar and ugly! said Zara Tomova, a graduate of the National Natural and Mathematical High School, trying to distance herself from the crowd in the square.

The girl still thinks there is hope. It is convinced that young people should be active. And adds:

Such things should not be allowed, we see that there are police, but what are they doing, they are just watching. Balloons with paradise gas are supposedly banned, and there are vials everywhere!

A goGhanaian go to bedkester there is!

For her studies, Zara has 2 options. The first is medicine, wanting to specialize in surgery, the second option is law. The ambitious girl is a laureate of the Civic Education Olympiad and has already been accepted to Sofia and Plovdiv universities.

The group of graduates from the National High School for Applied Arts “St. Luke” also seemed to want to stand out from the crowd.

He was preparing to leave quickly for a bar near the National Palace.

We certainly have nothing to do with this sight, we came 10 minutes ago, the young people from the 105th school in “Dianabad”, which has an Italian language profile, were categorical. Veronica refused to comment on what she saw because it was extremely disappointing for her.

The sight is very ugly, it is very unsightly, however, Iva Savova said. I have hope for Bulgaria, but it is not here for sure. It’s terrible, but what can we do, her classmate Victoria, who didn’t know what was in the balloons, didn’t want to know, was also indignant.

The problem with paradise gas – the semi-legal drug of young people – became relevant after the publication of “24 Chasa” in July 2022.

In it, we talked about how the opiate easily reaches minors.

An avalanche reaction followed from many experts, the ombudsman Diana Kovacheva and the then deputy prime minister Kornelia Ninova.

Already on the first working day after the publication of “24 Chasa”, Kovacheva wrote to the then Minister of Health, Prof. Asena Serbezova, and asked why nothing was done after there were serious warnings about the use of nitrous oxide balloons. A day later, she introduced an amendment to the Child Protection Act.

A reaction followed from the health commission,

which adopted at first reading changes to the Health Act. They included a ban on the sale of nitrous oxide and refills, including online, to under-18s.

On its last day of life, the 47th parliament voted to ban its sale and levy a 12,000 BGN fine on establishments caught offering it again. And Ninova sent the commission for the protection of consumers in establishments,

to limit sales

The sale of heavenly gas cannot take place on the territory of kindergartens, schools, dormitories for students, medical institutions, at sports events organized for children and students, at public events organized for children and students, as well as in closed public places . After the promulgated changes, paradise gas can only be used for medical purposes and in the food industry.

However, the scenes with the graduating high school students proved once again that the ban did not catch on.

100 minors are poisoned by drugs and alcohol


313 young people under the age of 18 were poisoned by alcohol or drugs in the first three months of 2023.

This is shown by the data of the National Center for Public Health and Analysis for the first quarter of the year.

According to the data, there are 155 children under 15 with acute intoxication. 7 of them were poisoned by drugs, 74 by alcohol, and 29 by both. Most abused minors are boys, the center’s data show.

Coordination disorders, slurred speech, blurred vision, difficulty concentrating or other thinking problems are just some of the symptoms of alcohol poisoning, doctors explain.

In severe alcohol intoxication, the patient may have vomiting, slow or uneven breathing, cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin, changes or loss of consciousness.

In drug poisoning, the abuser has narrowing of the pupils, sweating, slowing of breathing and at the same time an acceleration of the pulse.

An increase in those who have been poisoned is observed among minors between 16 and 18 years of age. In the first three months of 2022, there were 106, and by March of this year, there were 158. And at this age, abused boys are twice as many as girls.

2023-05-16 17:58:00

#12th #grade #fields #paradise #gas #front #smiling #policemen #Video #photos

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