high risk pregnancy
high risk pregnancy It is often found in women who were younger than 17 years of age or older than 35 when they first became pregnant. Women with high-risk pregnancies should be closely monitored. To reduce complications However, having a high-risk pregnancy does not always mean that the mother and fetus will have health problems. Some of them do not suffer from health problems and are able to give birth to healthy children as well.
High risk pregnancy symptoms
Pregnancy is considered to be at high risk. If a pregnant woman has the following symptoms:
- Have vaginal discharge or vaginal bleeding
- Does the child move less or not?
- Pain in the lower abdomen or uterine rigidity that does not go away
- Severe headache, blurred vision
- Difficulty breathing Tight lump under the epigastrium
- Acutely swollen hands, feet, and face
- Dizziness fainted
- very tired
- Fever higher than 38°C
- burning sensation when urinating
- Severe nausea and vomiting
- Have thoughts about harming yourself or your unborn child.
Causes of high-risk pregnancy
- smoking
- Addicted to alcohol or drugs
- Exposure to toxins
- Have a congenital disease or pregnancy problem before
- Age: Pregnant women under 17 years of age are more likely to not attend prenatal care regularly. Not ready yet The body is not yet fully developed. There is a chance of premature birth, small babies, pre-eclampsia, and anemia. Women who become pregnant for the first time after age 35 are at risk of miscarriage and health problems such as Diabeteswhile pregnant High blood pressureduring pregnancy etc.
Risk factors that increase the chance of having a high-risk pregnancy
Pregnant women who have had congenital diseases or have a history of the following health problems It increases the chance of having a high-risk pregnancy.
Diseases caused by pregnancy that can be dangerous for both mother and child include gestational diabetes. Delayed growth in the womb The baby has a birth defect. twin pregnancy Preeclampsia caused by high blood pressure during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia accompanied by seizures Have a history of premature birth or complications during pregnancy and conditions of low placenta, tight placenta, etc.
ComplicationsHigh risk pregnancy
In pregnant women with high-risk pregnancy The risk of complications may be higher:
- cesarean section
- preeclampsiawho also have seizures
- Preeclampsia caused by high blood pressure during pregnancy.
- actionpremature birth
- Excessive bleeding during labor, during delivery, or postpartum hemorrhage.
- The child’s body weight is too much or too much
- Birth defects
- miscarriage
- Stillbirth
Diagnosis of high risk pregnancy
Asking about medical history and previous pregnancy is very important in screening pregnant women with high-risk pregnancies. To receive proper diagnosis and care from the beginning. To reduce complications for both mother and child.
- Spot ultrasound (Specialized/targeted ultrasound) When there is a risk of birth defects in the baby and is an assessment of fetal growth.
- Cell-free DNA screening is a screening test for certain chromosomal abnormalities. The mother’s blood will be drawn to check the DNA of the mother and the unborn child. and screening for the risk of abnormalities in sex-determining chromosomes (X and Y chromosomes), Patour syndrome (Trisomy 13), Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18) or Down syndrome (Trisomy 21).
- Amniocentesis and placental biopsy It is a diagnostic test to look for chromosomal abnormalities and genetic diseases such as thalassemia anemia.
- Amniocentesis: The doctor will use a needle to suck out the amniotic fluid through the abdomen during the second trimester of pregnancy.
- Placenta biopsy for examination: The doctor will perform a placental biopsy between 10-12 weeks of pregnancy.
- Ultrasound Measure cervical length To assess the risk of premature birth
- Assessment of fetal health It monitors the growth of the fetus using ultrasound. To assess heart rate, breathing, and movement and the movement of the fetus in the womb including the amount of amniotic fluid and the position of the placenta
- Laboratory tests To look for urinary tract infections and other diseases such as syphilis and HIV
Care for high-risk pregnancy
- Make sure to see your gynecologist regularly. To monitor fetal growth and other symptoms during pregnancy
- Monitoring and controlling existing congenital diseases
- Check your blood pressure at home regularly.
- Counting baby movements in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy
However, if both mother and child are in a life-threatening condition. Your doctor may recommend inducing labor or a cesarean section.
Protectionhigh risk pregnancy
- planning andPhysical examination before having children
- Have safe sex
- Tell your doctor about your personal or immediate family health history. and manage and control congenital diseases
- quit smoking quit drinking alcohol and do not use drugs
- Maintain a healthy weight before pregnancy.
Although women with high-risk pregnancies may not experience any problems while pregnant or giving birth, But they may face other health problems in the future as well, such as postpartum depression high blood pressure Coronary heart disease Type 2 diabetes, cerebrovascular disease and other complications
High-risk pregnancy also increases your child’s risk of breathing problems. Gastrointestinal disease Delayed growth and development Neurological diseases, obesity, diabetes, behavioral problems Dental, hearing and vision problems
Advice from Medpark
A high-risk pregnancy can be caused by many factors, such as age and health problems. If you find that you have symptoms of a high-risk pregnancy You should hurry to get a diagnosis and treatment before and after giving birth. This is because complications from high-risk pregnancy can still occur within 6 weeks after giving birth.
Article by
Published: 17 Nov 2023
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2023-11-17 04:14:55
#HighRisk #Pregnancy #Symptoms #Treatment #Methods