prevent another massacre from happening.Marlene Guzan, Univison.ilia: the families of uvaldethrough pain drawing strengthso others don’t have tolive the misfortune thatit happened to we are going to new york, sincerental pricesare the clouds, the greatmost Americans havefelt an increase inprices, these are the citiesmore expensive to rent, thefifth place is occupied by the cityfrom miami in florida with aaverage price of aroom cost $2680, thethan $3000, and the most expensive cityto rent in new york, with aaverage price of $3370 for aone room is $4995. youI had to win about$175,000 each year to be able topay it and live comfortably.white: in the offices ofreal estate everyone sees ityou were goingrental prices andnew york have skyrocketedliterally through the roof.>> to pay a rent between$3000.04 $1000 Must Earnapproximately $130,000, and thatwhite: in her 20srenting and selling houses andapartments say they have seenthese prices before.>> there are several factors thatinfluence the demandinflation.white: the high prices ofrents are greatcontrast in the city thatduring the pandemic they calleddead forever becauseIt looked like an abandoned city.he’s a former New Yorker, hehad to move>> i was paying $5000 forand post pandemic one isready to redowhite: some expertsreal estate helps theincrease in interestAllows you to buy a home.many families have tolook for alternatives between highrents and not being able to buya house.>> it’s hard to be living twoweeks, two and a half weeksto pay the rent, in thatcase is that it is seen a lot in thatour families rent aapartment.white: during the pandemic thebuilding owners will
2023-04-18 23:31:00
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