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High-profile divorce in America: Conway vs. Conway | Abroad

The divorce is news for CNN, The New York Times and Donald Trump has something to say about it too: Kellyanne Conway and George Conway are separating.

They may be less well known in the Netherlands, but the stormy marriage of these Republican banners fascinated many in the United States. This is Conway vs. Conway, as there was once a movie Kramer vs. Kramer was. Because while Kellyanne pulled out all the stops as spokesperson for Donald Trump, her husband George was busy sawing at the chair legs of the president he did not consider full. Kellyanne (56) and George (59) nevertheless lasted 22 years together.

They part as friends, they tweeted and are thankful for the years they shared with their four kids and four corgis. Kellyanne Conway was a well-known Republican pollster who went on to lead Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016. She then became Trump’s White House spokesperson. There she made a name for herself with curious press briefings. She defended a clearly false claim from Trump’s entourage about the number of people present at his inauguration with the now-famous phrase that there was such a thing as “alternative facts.”

While Kellyanne defended Trump through thick and thin, her husband George (59) increasingly opposed the president, who he believed was completely unfit for office. Conway made a name for herself as the New York lawyer who represented Paula Jones in her 1994 sexual harassment lawsuit against President Bill Clinton.


No matter how beautifully his wife Kellyanne managed to wrap Trump’s many slips, George Conway became increasingly allergic to Trump. His critical and often sarcastic Twitter account about the president gained more than a million followers. Conway went on to become a founding member of the influential Lincoln Project. That was a political action committee formed by moderate Republicans (thus party members of Trump) who wanted to do everything to prevent a second term of office of ‘The Donald’, exactly what Kellyanne was working on. As if it wasn’t exciting enough in the Conway home, teenage daughter Claudia also regularly heard from TikTok. Here she made it clear why she was fed up with the arguments and Trump.

Kellyanne Conway.
Kellyanne Conway. © AP

In the summer of 2020, the Conways, who now had soap opera status on social media, put an end to their political activities and started to focus more on the children. “We disagree on a lot,” Kellyanne Conway wrote in a statement at the time, “but we agree on what matters most: the kids.”

But in subsequent statements, Conway then vented her anger and frustration at her husband’s decision to publicize his contempt for Trump. “I had already said publicly what I had said privately to George: that his daily deluge of tweeted insults against my boss — or, as he sometimes put it, “the people in the White House” — was against our wedding vows to “love, honor and cherish each other.”


Naturally, Donald Trump also responded to the high-profile divorce on his own platform: “Congratulations Kellyanne Conway on her divorce from her crazy husband, Mr. George Conway. Free at last, she is finally rid of the disgusting albatross around her neck. She’s a great person and will now be free to live the kind of life she deserves… and it will be a great life without the extremely unattractive loser by her side!’

George Conway responded pumpingly, “Look forward to seeing you in New York next month at E. Jean’s trial! Hugs and kisses’. Referring to the case of writer E. Jean Carroll accusing Donald Trump of rape and libel.

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