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High payment behavior in Corona times / So far, no increased payment defaults by consumers

Wiesbaden (ots) – SCHUFA Risk and Credit Compass 2020 examines credit behavior and the mood of consumers and entrepreneurs // Economy so far stable // No increase in payment defaults and bankruptcies // Consumer sentiment has improved in the last two months // Vaccine Great economic importance is assigned // Future forecasts of the interviewed entrepreneurs and freelancers remain largely positive

Despite the corona crisis, people in Germany are paying back their bills and loans on time. This is borne out by the current figures from the SCHUFA Risk and Credit Compass, which appears annually. The majority of the consumers surveyed currently have neither a loss of income nor fear of losing their job. In addition, according to the study, the current mood is significantly better than in September. The prospect of a vaccine in particular gives rise to hope.

When asked about their view of the future, 51 percent of the population still say they are worried or fearful. In September it was 66 percent. Optimism is growing, especially among young people: while 68 percent of young people were still pessimistic about the future in September, the figure was only 39 percent in November. Of the consumers surveyed, 83 percent believe that the vaccine will improve their overall economic situation, and almost half also believe this is true of their personal financial situation.

Almost two thirds (64 percent) of the consumers surveyed stated that their own household income was not affected by the corona pandemic at the time of the survey. By contrast, around 36 percent of those surveyed recorded losses in household income. When it comes to adjustments in financial and consumer behavior, 33 percent have postponed major purchases planned in advance and 23 percent of consumers fall back on reserves.

84 percent of those surveyed rated their own workplace as very safe or rather safe.

In the case of companies, the average overall picture is also surprisingly positive: Increased payment defaults and bankruptcies are not to be found. In the corona pandemic, the contractual servicing of loans by traders, freelancers or registered traders has not changed so far. The proportion of companies for which SCHUFA has recorded (at least) one negative feature was relatively constant in the first three quarters of 2020 between 10.1 and 10.3 percent per month – and thus even below the comparison period 2019 of 10.4 to 10 , 6 percent.

The mood among self-employed people and small businesses is different – even if the majority of those surveyed are positive about the future.

Of the solo self-employed people surveyed, 62 percent rate their economic future as very secure or rather secure. For small businesses with three to five employees, the figure is even 72 percent.

Dr. Ole Schröder, Member of the Board of Management of SCHUFA Holding AG, says: “We see a high level of payment behavior despite the Corona crisis. For us, this is an indicator of a robust economy in difficult times. That, in addition to the facts and figures, there is also the mood Improved businesses and consumers is evidently due to the prospect of an effective vaccine. The solo self-employed and businesses that have been hit hard by the effects of the lockdown because of their industries continue to find themselves in an unprecedented crisis, where targeted government support is extreme important to avoid payment defaults and bankruptcies. “

You can find the complete SCHUFA Risk and Credit Compass 2020 as well as evaluations of credit behavior in 2019 and accompanying press material on our website www.schufa.de (http://www.schufa.de).

Press contact:

Media Relations, Communication & Online Marketing
Ingo A. Koch (Head)
Sabine Bernstein (Deputy)
Anna-Lena Rawe
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65201 Wiesbaden
Tel.: +49 611 – 92 78-888
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Original content from: SCHUFA Holding AG, transmitted by news aktuell
Original message: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/25316/4768215

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