Before and after the Christmas weekend, there were twice as many patients in Gävleborg’s emergency departments as usual. It’s peak season for RS virus and flu and the spread of covid-19 is on the rise.
– There is a clearly greater burden on the company and on the staff, says Valentin Lindholm, director of operations for emergency healthcare.
Few are seriously ill
However, not all patients are actually seriously ill. Most of the increase in patients are people who should actually be seeking a lower level of care. The Gävleborg region is now urging people who need healthcare contact to contact their healthcare center in the first instance.
– I think you should always contact health care first via 1177 or via our app Min vård Gävleborg, if you don’t have any breathing problems or are seriously ill. We don’t have the capacity to care for patients that health centers can handle just as well, says Walentin Lindholm, emergency health care operations manager.