The outskirts of the Oral Criminal Court of Rancagua witnessed a high journalistic expectation from the early hours of the morning, due to the formalization of the current mayor of Rancagua, Juan Ramón Godoy, and four other businessmen, who are accused of the crimes of treasury fraud, embezzlement of public funds, bribery, bribery and money laundering.
At 8:45 a.m. the first communal authority arrived at the Guarantee Court to participate as a defendant in the formalization hearing against him, giving brief statements outside the court. “With great calm we come to present what was a year and a half of investigation, of which we did not have access to the first part of the investigation, because it was reserved, therefore, today what we are going to do is present our arguments for the defense,” said Godoy, while cries of “thief” are heard in the air and a shower of coins is heard that are thrown at the councilor who quickly enters the court.
In the room, the communal chief and his collaborators – businessmen Javier Cornejo Diez, Diego David Barba, Carlos Rodríguez Cajas and Daniel Salazar González – this time occupied the dock of the accused in a room full of press, where the communicators were eagerly waiting to learn the details of the case.
The man of the poster, Bernardo Córdova, who waited for the mayor of Rancagüino with the phrase “Mayor Godoy collects tithes, resigns, goes to jail,” said that “since he is so addicted to money, I brought him some coins as he was asking for the tithe for the shenanigans he does. He didn’t want to receive them, so I threw them at him. This man went to the dark side with the corrupt and these are the consequences he had”, exhibiting his peculiar way of expressing himself.
Let us remember that the accusation against the Rancagüino mayor broke out more than a year ago where the regional prosecutor’s office of O’Higgins points him out as allegedly responsible for tax fraud, embezzlement of public funds, bribery and money laundering, crimes that are being thoroughly analyzed by the High Complexity team of the O’Higgins Public Ministry, an investigation that remains ongoing and it is expected that the judicial process will shed more light on the alleged irregularities committed by the mayor of the regional capital and his collaborators.

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