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“High five!” DJ Toms Grevins went to the second charity race / Article

Before the start, DJ Toms Grēviņš contacted “Give five!” In a video call glass studios for DJs, located on the roof terrace of Venstpils Science and Innovation Center “VIZIUM”. Grēviņš said that after the previous day’s 42-kilometer race, he feels full of energy and relaxes, and also believes that the fresh sea air will only benefit the race.

“I feel good and I am absolutely ready to continue what has been started and what has been promised. There will be a race! ” DJ Toms Grevins said full of determination.

Playing the overture of Peter Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker”, Grevins started the second marathon, thanks to the supporters and sponsors of this race “Circle K Latvia”, which this year is very involved in “Give five!” donation campaign.

FOLLOW THE MAP: The distance traveled by Tomas Grēviņš

During the marathon from the evening of December 17-22, Circle K will donate 1 cent “Give five!” For every liter of fuel purchased by private individuals at the “Circle K” service stations. Also with “Give Five!” The start of the marathon until the end of February in all “Circle K” petrol stations in Latvia will be able to buy “Give five!” a cup of good intentions. The company will donate 10 cents from each drink sold in a special cup, and another 10 cents to the buyer of the drink. Cash and non-cash donations can also be made at Circle K petrol stations throughout Latvia.


Annual charity marathon “Give five!” raises an important topic in society and supports those groups in society who really need it. This year, donations will be channeled to create a better environment for people with visual, hearing or mobility impairments. In previous years, donations have been made to seniors, to provide special assistants to children with special needs, to support cancer patients, children left without parents, young parents and terminally ill people.

Charity marathon “Give five!” For the eighth year in a row, it is organized by Latvijas Radio in cooperation with Latvian Television, the public media portal LSM.lv and the charity organization Ziedot.lv.

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