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High Crude Oil Prices and Impact on Pertamax: Shift to Pertalite Expected


High crude oil prices could push the price of Pertamax or non-subsidized fuel to rise. As a result, people can shift to Pertalite. This was conveyed by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif, in response to crude oil prices which were around US$ 90 per barrel.

“It’s true that there can’t be another source, you have to buy it from there, but then the Pertamax will be high so the Pertalite will be used again in the future,” he said at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jakarta, Friday (8/9) yesterday.

Quoted from Reuters, the world oil benchmark price Brent fell below US$ 90 per barrel. Oil prices fell due to signals of weakening demand.

The price of Brent crude oil futures weakened US$ 68 cents or 0.8% at US$ 89.92 per barrel, after trading between US$ 89.46 and US$ 90.89.

US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil futures fell US$ 67 cents or 0.8% to US$ 86.67 per barrel. Previously, WTI traded between US$ 86.39 and US$ 87.74.

For information, PT Pertamina (Persero) is adjusting the price of non-subsidized fuel starting September 1 2023. The price of non-subsidized fuel that is experiencing an adjustment, one of which is Pertamax, has increased to IDR 13,300/liter from the previous IDR 12,500 per liter.

Other non-subsidized fuels also experienced price increases, such as Pertamax Turbo, Dexlite and Pertamina Dex.

“Adjustment of general fuel oil (BBM) prices in order to implement Ministerial Decree (Kepmen) ESDM No. 245.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2022 as an amendment to Ministerial Decree No. 62 K/12/MEM/2020 concerning Formula “Basic Prices in Calculating Retail Selling Prices for General Types of Fuel, Types of Gasoline and Diesel Oil Distributed Through Public Fuel Filling Stations,” wrote Pertamina’s statement on its website, Thursday (31/8).


2023-09-08 22:55:34
#surprised #Pertamax #prices #threatened #rising

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