According to a press release from the Ministry of Health, as a result of the information present in the public space regarding high concentrations of Escherichia coli (E.coli) in some bathing areas of the Black Sea water, the National Institute of Public Health transmits that the presence of E.coli in bathing water represents a mandatory water quality parameter to be monitored, the values determined through laboratory analyzes refer to the water quality criteria established by HG 546/2008 regarding the management of bathing water quality, respectively:
– up to 250cfu/100ml for excellent quality;
– up to 500cfu /100 ml for good quality;
– over 500cfu/100ml for satisfactory quality.
These increases were not constant (over several days) and do not fall within
“The risk of illness assumed by the presence of E. Coli in the bathing water is reduced”
The presence of E.coli in drinking water and bathing water indicates faecal contamination of human or animal origin – accidental discharges of waste water from various sources: faulty sewers, agricultural land, animal farms, insufficiently maintained beaches, explains the Institute, which adds that for drinking water, the value for E.coli, according to OG 7/2023 on the quality of water intended for human consumption, must be<0 cfu/mL>> to avoid getting sick.
“Considering the fact that bathing water can be ingested accidentally, in small quantities, the risk of illness assumed by the presence of E. Coli in bathing water is reduced, compared to the presence of the microorganism in drinking water,” explains the National Institute of Public Health.
Here are some recommendations made by INSP to the population for the prevention of possible illnesses associated with these high concentrations of E.coli in seawater:
– Avoiding water ingestion and diving with the head under water in order not to favor the penetration of water on the nose or ears;
– Bathing only in the arranged and monitored areas where the quality of the bathing water is displayed. It is recommended to take a shower after bathing;
– Correct use of sanitary facilities and hand washing after use;
– Compliance with general hygiene rules;
– Consumption of drinking water only from safe sources, the monitoring of drinking water quality being also ensured by the producer/distributor.
“In order to control the situation, microbiological monitoring is carried out with increased frequency and the addition of physical-chemical analyses. Specialists from INSP will carry out a dynamic analysis of the quality of bathing water on the Black Sea coast, in collaboration with specialists from the “Grigore Antipa” National Institute of Marine Research and Development, in order to detect the causes that generated this situation”. shows INSP.
2023-07-19 06:10:35
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