Home » today » News » High Commissioner for Human Rights. H H. accuses the MP of undermining democracy in Guatemala – PublicoGT

High Commissioner for Human Rights. H H. accuses the MP of undermining democracy in Guatemala – PublicoGT

By Isela Espinoza

After the Special Prosecutor’s Office Against Impunity (FECI) of the Public Ministry (MP) stole boxes with original minutes containing the electoral results of the first round held on June 25, Volker Türk, High Commissioner of the United Nations Organization ( UN) for Human Rights, called on Guatemalan authorities to “refrain from any further attempts to challenge the will of the popular vote.”

Through a statement released this Sunday, Türk once again reiterated his concern about the “persistent attempts to undermine the democratic process.”

On July 27, he also spoke about it and on that occasion he warned that in the runoff between Bernardo Arévalo of the Semilla Movement and Sandra Torres of the National Unity of Hope (UNE), “it could result in not respecting the will of the voters.”

Now, the Office of the High Commissioner cited the raid that the FECI carried out last Friday at the headquarters of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) for an investigation that is in reserve and that points to alleged crimes of fraud, breach of duties and abuse of authority.

“There is serious concern about the compatibility of these actions with international human rights law, as well as with the Guatemalan Constitution and national legislation,” the statement reads.

Furthermore, the document cites statements by Türk who highlights that this diligence adds to “a long list of very worrying actions adopted in recent weeks.” Furthermore, the commissioner highlights that by taking these actions together, which have been promoted since Semilla went to the second round, “they seem designed to undermine the integrity of the electoral process and undermine the rule of law in general.”

Türk also described as “disturbing” the persecution against the electoral authorities and the president-elect Arévalo and the vice president-elect, Karin Herrera.

Finally, he urged the authorities to respect the rule of law and safeguard democracy to prevent the electoral crisis from turning into violence.

Community Press Source

Isela Espinoza. Journalist graduated from the University of San Carlos in Guatemala. She worked at elPeriódico as an economics reporter and in the international news section.

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