Arcus senilis does not affect vision.
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — High cholesterol does not always cause obvious symptoms. However, certain markings may appear in your eyes.
Triggered by cholesterol buildup, old bow can help as a cholesterol warning sign. An old bow is a white, light gray or bluish ring around the edge of the cornea.
The cornea is the transparent part of your eye that covers the iris and pupil. This part allows light to enter.
Reported by page Express, Thursday (2/2/2023), the American Academy of Ophthalmology explains that the cornea is usually clear. This means that the color of your iris can show through. However, old bow can make it appear as if the iris is two different colors.
“Arcus senilis usually begins as a short arc of color along the top and bottom of the cornea,” says the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
Eventually, these can connect and create a complete ring around the cornea. Even though these warning signs appeared in the eyes, old bow does not affect vision.
Dr Ali Mearza, consultant eye surgeon and co-founder of OCL Vision, says if bow so prominent that it can be seen with the naked eye, it means the condition has developed over several years. For those who are in the early stages cholesterol high, usually bow will be detected through an eye examination.
“The optometrist will definitely advise you to have your cholesterol checked if you find one old bow,” he said.