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High Cholesterol, 5 Signs That Can Cause Amputation


JAKARTA High cholesterol can be marked with symptom which can result in amputation . This condition is usually caused by cholesterol High LDL and high triglycerides are known as dyslipidemia.

When excess blood fat travels along the arteries, it will eventually settle on both sides of the artery walls and harden. Then the other cholesterol deposits will accumulate on top of the others.

As a result, the pathway for oxygen-rich and nutrient-rich blood narrows, forcing the heart to pump more forcefully. While excess pressure on the heart muscle can lead to muscle fatigue and heart attacks, leg amputations are also risky.

Reporting from Express, Monday (11/8/2021) experts from the Cardiovascular Institute of the South warned of peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

Also Read: High Cholesterol, 3 Serious Signs In The Feet That Need Immediate Medical Help

PAD is hardening of the arteries due to a buildup or blockage in areas of the body other than the heart. This blockage prevents the extremities and organs from receiving oxygen-rich blood.

One in four people with high cholesterol has a severe form of the disease. Thus, one of the signs of PAD and extreme dyslipidemia is leg cramps during exercise.

Another sign is when sores develop on the toes, feet, or legs. Some people experience numbness in the feet, while others have no hair or hair on the legs. Further weak pulse, or feeling as if there is no pulse in the leg or leg.

Those with advanced PAD will experience leg pain all the time, not just during exercise. In addition, it is more likely that people with advanced PAD may experience numbness, weakness, and coldness in the lower legs or feet.

Also Read: 5 Fast and Natural High Cholesterol Lowering Drinks

When an extremity has difficulty healing from an injury or infection, the wound can progress to gangrene, which is tissue death that can lead to amputation.


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