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High blood pressure, a post-pandemic disability check: the details

People with high blood pressure can apply for disability and receive a monthly allowance. Let’s find out under what specific circumstances.


The number of people he accuses high blood pressure problems has soared since the pandemic. The anxiety, the fears, the curve that rises, Covid has brought citizens to their knees not only from an economic point of view but also of health despite not having been infected by the disease. In the last two years, scientific evidence has been ascertained of a growth in problems related to health and above all to cardiovascular pathologies. It is blood pressure that is of greatest concern as it causes increased concern increased blood pressure on the arterial walls. The consequences can be very serious and for this reason hypertension can be considered a disabling disease.

High blood pressure, post-pandemic problems

High blood pressure or hypertension can cause stroke and heart disease. In addition, it can damage certain organs such as the liver and the brain itself as well as causing vision problems. The doctor treating someone with this condition can help keep the symptoms under control with drugs, the power supply is one proper lifestyle. Little salt, lots of fruit, no alcohol or smoke e lots of physical activity are the most frequent indications for hypertensive people. Yet, it may happen that the listed precautions are not enough and that the pathology results more serious and complicated to manage.

The worsening, for example, could be linked to severe stress such as that caused by the Covid 19 pandemic. Regardless of the causes, the certification of the disease can lead to the provision of a disability allowance as well as access to welfare and economic services.

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Invalidity, what the INPS establishes

Individuals suffering from arterial hypertension can obtain recognition of disability in some specific cases. The INPS, in fact, lists the disabling percentages which establish the severity of the disease and, therefore, the right to a reference allowance. The percentages are 10% for uncomplicated arterial hypertension; 11 to 20% for arterial hypertension uncomplicated without medical therapy; 21 to 30% for arterial hypertension with initial cardiac commitment and 31 to 50% for hypertensive heart disease with average cardiac commitment.

The percentage is between 51 and 70% for chypertensive ardiopathy with medium-severe cardiac involvement and between 71 and 80% for hypertensive heart disease with severe-severe cardiac involvement. Finally, the INPS recognizes the percentage between 81 and 100% for hypertensive heart disease decompensated.

The disability allowance is granted to individuals with a percentage of disability between 74 and 99% and a low income (under € 4,931.29). The amount disbursed is 287,09 euro for thirteen months.

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